A bright new day…..

……filled with hope and promise for change!

That is what is in my house which just happens to qualify for two different challenges this week.  Dans ma maison il y a…..ce que vous voulez , “anything you wish” (open theme) and Creative Wednesday, “houses”.  I created this spread in my house shaped altered book.


I used pieces of a blueberry oatmeal box that had great designs on it.  Sanding colored cardboard lightly helps add interest, along with some inks rubbed on the edges.


I used vellum leaf printed paper, scrapbook papers and words cut from an election door hanger too.


“If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies.”  ~Author Unknown

19 responses to “A bright new day…..

  1. Beautiful! I feel it is a new day dawning. Your wonderful art work is a great way to celebrate it.


  2. Awesome!!! Just awesome…..I love the word hope and the butterfly behind it….great piece!!


  3. Love this gorgeous blue house…love the sentiment!!!! Yes…change is coming….a new butterfly emerges! Thanks for the visit to my blog today…it led me here……Pat


  4. The hand even looks like Obama’s- with the suit and shirt cuff!!! :>) Very nice!


  5. Beautiful work…very artistic….I love the idea of sanding cardboard…will try it. And the blue/beige combination is wonderful.


  6. Beautiful work!Love the use of colors!


  7. I love this one Patty, and what a nice way to commemorate the event. Also loved the idea of using a cereal box to start and the butterfly is a great way to rethink Change. I’m thinking that word needs to be capitalized now.


  8. Patty, this is a beautiful tribute to something you believe strongly in. The artwork is really superb, and to think it started as a cereal box. With transparency, honesty, and fairness for all (and that includes us retirees) we can have a change for the better. At least that is my hope. It will be exciting to have children in the White House again.


  9. Wow stunning stunning stunning.
    Very impressive. Great tribute.


  10. Love it! And love the truly meaning behind it ! Yesterday was a great day for ALL of us (even here in Europe ). Thank you!


  11. beautiful house !


  12. margaret werner

    wonderful house, wonderful tribute to a historic moment, fabulous Patty!


  13. that’s great. very creative 😉


  14. Superbe maison, j’aime beaucoup, merci de ta participation.


  15. Klasse deine Buchseiten. Schönes Wochenende Patty


  16. Terrific house Patty – so glad to see you over at Creative Wednesday! PS Really love the happy ATC post too.


  17. Your commenoration of this day made me cry…the blue is so fresh that it leads you to see that shade of blue as hope itself…fresh blue change and the sky’s the limit…your blog is a haven in a busy world…children and puppies in the White House, hope in the air…perhaps a fresh look at a new century…many thanks for ‘opening my eyes’ in a new way…hope blue!


  18. Patty these pages are gorgeous ~ and the house shaped book is terrific!! I adore the use of the elements from the oatmeal box 😉


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