the tallest handmade book in the world…

Alicia of Altered Bits is at it again with a really brilliant idea … pop on over to read all about it here AND it’s all for a very good cause too!

5 responses to “the tallest handmade book in the world…

  1. That’s a very tall order Patty but so creative. Love it! Thanks for the link! The finished book will be awesome! xxoo


  2. I’m in! It should be such an amazing book to see! 🙂


  3. I went to Alicia’s site before I left this message. It sounds like a great idea. I think I may just have to sign up for this one. I really like the idea of the auction after it has been on display. Thanks for the link.


  4. Thanks for sharing this piece of news, Patty…yes I’m in!!! :))


  5. Interesting project… I wish I had time.


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