the desire to create …

the February Art Journal Journey challenge is “If Music Be the Food of Love“ which can include things like music …

Magpie's Nest Patty Szymkowicz strips of paper collage backgroundfood or anything you love…

Magpie's Nest Patty Szymkowicz button heartmy art journal pages are full of things I Love like paper and gesso and buttons (even button papers) and words…

Magpie's Nest Patty Szymkowicz the desire to createcreating is something that brings me endless joy…

“The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before. Creation brings satisfaction and fulfillment.” -Dieter F. Uchtdorf

35 responses to “the desire to create …

  1. And your creations give us endless joy! What a great quote to go with such a wonderful spread.


  2. What a beautiful heart – and the neutral palette reminds me of vintage laces and linens! I love this shape of heart and how you have used the pretty buttons. Looking through my Grandma’s button box is one of the nicest memories I have of my childhood, which I can’t say was the happiest time of my life unfortunately. However, I still remember discovering beauty in the world around me, and trying to draw and paint it as best I could lifted my spirits when I felt sad. Your gesso journals always speak to my heart, Patty. What a fantastic quote this is. You always find the loveliest of words to go with your lovely pages. I often think your journals should be published, as they would bring joy to so many people, I’m sure. xx


  3. I agree with Julie Lee, your pages are a true gift that should be shared with the world♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ This one really does bring back memories of Grandma’s sewing room.


  4. So simple,soft and lovely. Thinking of you tonight. We have lots of white fluffy stuff falling from the sky. I heard the snowflakes calling your name. xoxo


  5. I love the lack of color here. I am wondering if the big heart is paper with lots of buttons or if it is lots of buttons. Either way, this spread makes me feel all warm and cozy. Hugs.


  6. wow,liebe patty,your heart pages with buttons is georgus,i love it,makes me warm and happy.

    hugs jenny


  7. Soooo beautiful Patty, MOP buttons, paper, lace, soft neutral colours, these all add up to a wonderful page. LOVE it, Thanks so much for joining us again at Art Journal Journey and for all your support for our challenges!
    Alles Liebe Patty, Valerie


  8. Oh my — this is for me one of the most beautiful Art Journal spreads I ever saw… and this really comes from the bottom of my heart♥ Patty!
    This button patterned paper was my first love as I got known with stamping and scrapbooking and cardmaking but never managed to make something with it that spoke to my heart as your special wonderful creation does!
    Happy Wednesday – do you know that I am still missing the Wednesday Stampers?!
    Good to have Art Journal Journey now…..
    Thanks a lot for this first AMAZING spread to Hazel’s fab theme!


  9. How wonderful! I just love the texture on your page (thanks for the close-up!). I just want to close my eyes and feel that page!!!! Beautiful!


  10. Hello, quel beau billet ma chère Patty, du shabby à souhait, souvenirs de dentelles anciennes et jolis boutons de nacre. Le coeur est superbe, c’est bien du papier avec des boutons que je vois ? Quelle bonne idée, on s’y tromperait.


  11. I love, love, love your journal page – it’s so beautiful, I love everything about it, the colour, design – everything.
    xxx Hazel.


  12. Gorgeous page, I kove the soft colours!


  13. These pages are wonderful. I don’t often see so much texture in art journals. The quote is perfect.


  14. OMGoodness! I thought those buttons were really there!! What a beautiful spread Patty I love the quote that you have used with this- beautiful!
    Hope your day is sunny and dry! xoxo


  15. Elizabeth Tichvon

    Really love this!


  16. I really love this, and it reminds me that I still possibly have a small bit of the one sheet of button paper I got years ago. This is wonderful, especially the way you made the hearts from the button paper, then carried it the other side which made for a great composition. I love the layers and the texture, too. This is a real beauty.


  17. Still point. Lovely.


  18. Such a beautiful heart, you created on your stunning white pages, dear Patty. I so love how the beautiful white plants are stenciled on top of the sepia toned pages, WONDERFUL ,and also love all kind of buttons, papers and real ones, making your spread so unique. The qoute ,so very true, looks great on the white page.
    Dorthe, XXOOO


  19. A piece that has absorbed the feeling of the last week and the weather, I think. Lovely Patty


  20. Gorgeous pages, I also love the heart. The soft colours and textures are wonderful. Take care, Hugs, Shirleyxx


  21. LOVE this! I really love seeing all the steps and think that first stripey step is fab on it’s own too! I think you need to consider moving here, next door to me so we can paint the winter away. 🙂 we got lots of snow last night and it is sunny and sparkly here today.


  22. beautiful vintage looking journal spread Patty! I have some of that button paper too:)


  23. Excellent art journal pages, Patty! Beautiful textures and I love the way you have used the buttons… so gorgeous.. The quote is great!
    Mar :)x


  24. A wonderful and very romantic spread.


  25. A stunning journal spread, love the soft colour tones, beautiful textures and super details.


  26. These are so beautiful! I love the tones, as well. I so enjoy your work!


  27. Beautiful Patty…your heart and soul are filled with lovely and gentle thoughts and images that you share with us in your art. You spread sunshine and peace!! I’m happy to be a “Facebook Friend”. Sending you a warm hug. xoxoxox


  28. Buttons – another of my ‘collections’. We won’t mention that I happen to own 14 (yes you read that right!) large jars, all sorted by colour, along with several other containers of them. Obsessed?-just a bit! Love your quote today, btw.


  29. You have a way of making art so that it looks as if it was always there. I can’t imagine how you could make such lovely pages only in white, just marvellous.


  30. Gentleness exudes from this spread, possibly from the neutral palette which is so soothing and of course buttons, there is something to gentle about buttons … is that an odd statement?! Another perfect quote. You always source quotes/sentiments which perfect capture the essence of your art at that time.
    Thank you for always sharing your creativity with us.


  31. Wonderful! I love it, the button heart looks so nice and the words are so true. Another dream page. You are very creative this time.
    Liebe Grüße
    Sabine xox


  32. Quite wild about the lovely soft color here. The button heart is perfect. What a fun theme!


  33. Great pages!!!! And yes, love the quote about the soul’s yearnings. I’m reading Soul Keeping by John Ortberg right now!!!


  34. Wonderful texture on these gorgeous pages! I love that quote! Hugs, Chrisx


  35. Just beautiful!!! xxx


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