Category Archives: Hurricane Irene

all in the golden afternoon…

Hurricane Irene downgraded to a tropical storm turned into mostly a rainmaker in our neck of the woods…

sadly there were lives lost along the east coast with a fair number of people still without power and wide spread property damage…the far reaching extent of the damage remains to be seen…

very much like our earthquake last Tuesday everyone seemed to have very different experiences with this storm that was likened to the size of Texas as it moved north and east…

thank you all very much for your prayers and good wishes…

the weather has turned a bit cooler and less humid here…

just right for spending some time outdoors again…

my mother had given me this Bavarian Hutschenreuther cup and saucer with a matching cake plate some time ago…

she was more of a mug user than fancy china lady…

although she did have some pretty china…

I enjoy both mugs and china tea cups…

I have wanted to clip some of my handkerchief collection onto a string for a long time and finally came across the one inch wooden clothespins I bought with that in mind…

they helped brighten this garden corner while I sipped some delicious golden Mystic Mango Kombucha

the song All in the Golden Afternoon from Disney’s Alice in Wonderland inspired the title of my post today…

it was a favorite tune of mine when I was a young girl and brings with it special memories of me helping my Mutti make up the beds each morning while she and I sang like little songbirds…

she was a war bride far far away from her native Munich Germany…

when I was much older she shared just how homesick she was back then…

Snow White’s Someday My Prince Will Come was right up there as a favorite too…

you can click on each underlined song title above if you have time for a listen…

I played my little red and yellow vinyl records on my child’s suitcase style record player over and over and over again…

music has always been an important and inspiring part of my life…

wishing you and yours a happy last Tuesday in August…

stop by Kimmie’s Art in Red Wagons for more tea links

Goodnight Irene

this soon to be altered metal recipe box has been kicking around for awhile now…

it is perfect for holding my 3×5″ index cards…

my attempt at creating an earthquake card did not work out…

 but I did want to share some of the other cards I created recently…

with a short description of what went into each…

I so enjoy putting bits of this and that together…

playing with scissors and glue never gets old…

it seems my blog has turned into part of my memory

you may notice that there are underlined words in most of my posts…

I try to add links to provide further info and of course give credit where credit is due…

there is a handy tool on my sidebar marked “Looking for Something” … typing in a word or two oftentimes takes me where I need to go…

for a clearer view you can click on the pictures…it helps sharpen them…I should really take the time to get out the tripod…

here goes…

Citra Solv background…scraps of paper doily and graph paper…copy of a TAP transfer piece I made with beaded and stitched silk frame…Goddess stamp …

Citra Solv background…stamping…gold Krylon pen…scrap paper from garden catalog…faux leaves and flower colored with Sharpie…center brad…gold napkin for bottom trim…the image was in a cigar box with some pages I cut up for text…not certain where she is from…

mini me…age two in Germany on a paint scraped and doily gesso background…German book text (thank you Margaret I finally got brave enough to rip those nice pages) …text washi tape…and rubber stamps from Catslife Press…really Loving the “Remember to Play Everyday” freebie stamp from them…

another Citra Solv background…some you hardly want to cover up they have such great colors and design…the Polish postage stamps really inspired me on this one…a Debbie Warren free microscope size image trimmed down with a little more graph paper at the bottom…

I had scanned a piece of green and black collaged background paper that I created some time ago added a little gesso stenciling with a plastic doily…along with my favorite Paper Whimsy sun face…dotted piece from a recycled envelope…black rubons and the word “luminous” cut from a paint sample…

another piece of my scanned background glued onto my pink index card…I decided to print it larger which made it a little different and interesting…my favorite “Art Helps Me Breathe” stamp again from Catslife Press and the fan stamp enhanced a bit with my white Signo gel pen

our house is on high ground here in Northern Virginia…

still not sure what to expect with Hurricane Irene

they are throwing the “historic” word around again…

we are hoping for just a tropical storm here in the Washington DC area…

it will be nice to sayGoodnight Irene after this weekend…

sending best wishes for everyone’s safety…

may each of you stay out of harm’s way…