avocado t…

Magpie's Nest Avocado TMr Magpie and I enjoy eating avocados plain or fancy…

Magpie's Nest Avocado goodness

since last year I have been saving the skins and pits in the freezer with intentions of dyeing fabric and laces and such (I did paint some dye on papers too but I am getting ahead of myself)…

Magpie's Nest Avocado bits

 I tried a couple of different ways of making a dye bath with the avocados…

Magpie's Nest Avocado potthe first way was to plop a bunch of skins and pits into an 8 quart soup pot covering with water simmering for about an hour or so (thanks to Judy Bidwell for sharing this helpful link with me)…

I would definitely cut up the skins and pits for this method next time … I got excited (can you see my sunshine cup reflected in the pot?) …

Magpie's Nest before and after handstitched pillow case

with help and encouragement from several friends (thank you Kim Gibson) I also tried a second method fermenting cut up skins and pits in ammonia and water for about a week (no picture of the jar with the mixture brewing and my photo above did not capture the delicate rose color  of the “after” pillow case pieces very well)…

Magpie's Nest Avocado Dye linens

as with all kinds of eco dyeing the process is full of surprises because of all the variables…

Magpie's Nest Rubber Stamps

using an assortment of text rubber stamps with a foam mat underneath

Magpie's Nest dyed fabric for stamping

I stamped on some of the plain dyed fabrics…

Magpie's Nest Avocado dyed stamped fabrics

which created some fun pieces all inspired by a lovely swatch of text stamped avocado dyed fabric that my friend Jan DeBellis shared with me last year…

Magpie's Nest iphone apps

~♥~ wishing you a happy T day along with everyone over at Elizabeth and Bleubeard’s ~♥~



32 responses to “avocado t…

  1. I enjoy your sunshine-y decor. Your dyeing sounds like such an adventure. Such lovely results 🙂


  2. Wow! dyeing with avocado is news to me. Your end results are great. We like avocado’s a lot at our house too and this year the ones we have been getting at the market seem especially good.



  3. I have never heard of dye-ing with Avocado’s before this is new to me too. I did sponge it all up as I have so much lace that needs to be used and I am collecting it for a friend too. You should of seen my post last week a table full of lace and doilies. thanks for sharing and I love the subtle pink colours your camera captured on the linen and lace.

    Hugs Eliza


  4. That rose color is beautiful. Both very shabby chic. You must have a whole dresser full of vintage linens!!


  5. Just lovely… I really like the idea of stamping on the fabric afterwards… what did you use for ink?? Happy T Day!! Hugs! deb


  6. sparkledaysstudio

    What fun is this. I’ve a great book on eco dying and once we move, baby I am in….can’t wait. xox


  7. wow! your results of eco-dying are fantastic! i had this on my to-do-list also, but somehow other things always come across my way… trying it with avocados is the first time i see it!


  8. Your eko-dying process is amazing! And your photos so lovely and delicate in colours and details, thank you for sharing, Patty 🙂
    Hugs xxx


  9. Oh wow what an effort.. beautiful result dear Patty…looks just fantastic- I specially love the stamping …. wow!


  10. I find it so amazing how the natural dyes come out with unexpected colors…here I was expecting green or tan, and out came a gorgeous blush pink! so glad you shared…beautiful fabrics which I know you will use for wonderful art work. love the stamping on the fabrics…happy T day dear…


  11. I saved a few avocado shells, but didn’t think to freeze them. They got so old and shriveled, I finally gave up and tossed them. Now I know better. I was told to expect pink, but I like the fresh ones that gave green. I had NO idea you cut up the pits, too. That was new to me.

    Now I’m encouraged again to try this technique. Glad I waited to go to the market today until after I read your post. I’ll head out tomorrow with avocados high on my list.

    Thanks for sharing these gorgeous fabrics and lace for T this Tuesday. I’m in total awe!!


  12. Wonderful results, liebe Patty.


  13. Very interesting post. Love avocados, but have never thought to use them for dyeing. Beautiful results too.
    Happy T-day


  14. HOLY CREATIVE! Who ever would have thought of avocado dying!? This is truly very, very creative Patty. Very impressive. Thanks for sharing and for teaching me that art really is everywhere!


  15. So they dyed pinkish? I was expecting to see green! The collage of the linens is beautiful–I’m sure some of these will find their way into your art.
    Happy T Day!


  16. That is some time-consuming project. What a great result. LOVE those bits with words stamped…I can see them included in your journals.


  17. I want to dive into that soft rose colour!
    It all looks incredibly pretty and oh so very Somerset Life, drying in the midday sun.
    Beautiful stamped results – oh the prettiness of it all.


  18. OMG what a crazy idea,colouring with avocados. Nothing is safe from you. 🙂
    I never thought that avocados make pink colour, grees yes, but pink?
    Your pink fabrics look so nice. I would like to own such a nice pillow.
    Experiment succeeded. Wow! I am enthusiastic.
    Dearest Greetings
    Sabine xox


  19. I love the second batch you made with the ammonia mixture. Lovely rose shades. And then the stamping–wow!
    Happy T-Day! 🙂


  20. Wow! I never thought we can get such lovely vintage kind colors from avocados. Your dyed fabrics with all the stamping look lovely.
    Have a wonderful week


  21. Nice stuff! I love avocados!!!!!! I should start mailing you my skins. Maybe not!!!! Ha! But ya never know!!!!!


  22. I wish I had your creative patience! Such lovely results.


  23. I enjoy seeing how you and others dye with all that nature gives you. I’ve never heard of avocado dye! Looks like you were successful! I just started eating avocados last year. I guess they are trendy so to speak. But, so good! Green butter, my brother calls it.


  24. So ,so beautiful, dear Patty, love your rosa pieces hanging to dry,- a most wonderful ” collage “, and all so different in tones,- what pretty pieces to work with, my dear friend. The text stamps looks great and gives so many possibilities for gorgeous creations ! Just love it.


  25. Wow! This was great result! I love this post. I can’t wait to do some more dyeing soon, as I loved dipping into this area a little while ago (thanks to you) and this post has so inspired me. You’ve done it again, Patty – so uplifting and inspiring always – what would I do without you!!! xxx


  26. I’m amazed about the lovely pink colour you got…so pretty!!


  27. Patty, you are so very clever. I can’t help but wonder how you are doing with the move and all. By the way,, I love avocados too.
    Sandy xx


  28. Wow, what a fabulous experiment and it turned out beautifully too 😀
    Many thanks for your kind words on my blog too 😀


  29. Oh, I have a collection of laces and linens and such that you now have me itching to start dying!! Pleeease find me extra days Patty so I can do everything I want to do!! LOL!! Your dyed fabrics and laces are some of the most gorgeous things I have EVER seen!


  30. Oh My! I never knew you could die with avocados. Now I know there is a great reason for eating them and I don’t really need much of an excuse either. I will have to try this out. Woah!
    Sorry I am late. We have flaky internet at home and I am trying to play catch up in my lunch breaks!


  31. oh what wonderful results…I cant believe they came out PINK!!!! what a fun day you have had 🙂


  32. You are so creative and full of energy my child!
    Sandy xx


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