Tea Party Tuesday: Forget-me-not

Time for a cuppa and a chance to catch up with friends


our back porch is ready to enjoy again, freshly power washed and arranged for the season, with fountains tinkling in the

farm fountain

background sounding like a babbling brook with a perfect view of the birds busy in the garden


still trying to catch my balance after a sweet Mother’s Day….such a roller coaster ride these last ten years


stop by Kimmie’s Art in Red Wagons to visit more Tuesday tea spots

12 responses to “Tea Party Tuesday: Forget-me-not

  1. What a lovely tea drinking spot you’ve got there! I really must get on and sort my own oasis! love the links, the stone was and still is one of my favs.


  2. Sounds lovely!!!


  3. Love your roses!!! Enjoy your tea!!!!


  4. Oh, can I come over! What an inviting spot! And freshly power washed too – isn’t it wonderful 😉

    Here’s to tea, friends and balance …. wishing you a sweet and balanced day (((hugs)))


  5. You do have a great spot for a cuppa tea, lovely pictures


  6. What a beautiful, restful place your back porch porch must be, Patty! A wonderful retreat.


  7. oo your fountain is beautiful! and i bet your roses smell like cinnamon….

    lovely tea, patty…


  8. Gorgeous spot you have and I love the china, very pretty 🙂


  9. What a beautiful spot for tea ,patty, i am definately coming over!!jenxo


  10. Such a pretty cup and saucer…makes the tea taste even better I find!
    Linda X


  11. I have a forget me not teacup and saucer too. It’s one of my favorites. What a lovely, serene post.


  12. Pingback: Hot News » Forget Me Not

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