Pink Saturday: A rose is a rose

I have enjoyed Patricia’s Pink Saturday posts for some time now and am finally joining in the fun over at the Pink Saturday. There was talk of a light freeze in our area last night, so I thought it wise to cut these pink rosebuds.  They do open beautifully in water.  These were picked from a very special rosebush  that was moved from my husband’s parents house in 2005 after their passing.  When the bush was transplanted in our garden it split into two parts.   Just as in life, John and Lona (that is what we named the rose bushes) still look wonderful together.

“A profusion of pink roses being ragged in the rain speaks to me of all gentleness and its enduring” ~William Carlos, American Poet

14 responses to “Pink Saturday: A rose is a rose

  1. beautiful roses also like the vase too.
    chriss x


  2. Perfectly beautiful, Patty!


  3. Oh, I am jealous! I am no good at growing roses and PJ Girl is obsessed with them…Rose is her middle name!


  4. Oh, Patty I am so glad you joined. The roses are just beautiful. Happy Pink Saturday!


  5. That is so beautiful!! I’ll bet it smells heavenly!!

    Thanks for stopping by,

    Happy Pink Saturday!



  6. The roses are perfect, and the vase rocks!


  7. So lovely roses!


  8. This post made me weepy…love is so grand…and everlasting.

    “O death, where is thy sting?”

    The vase is perfect for such beautiful roses.


  9. Welcome to your first Pink Saturday, Patty. I am glad you decided to participate.

    Your roses, your vase and especially the sentiment make this the perfect Pink Saturday post. Thank you for sharing with us.


  10. what a lovely post about your inlaws roses….sweet


  11. Lovely roses, even lovelier story!


  12. Gorgeous blooms and equally beautiful vase that they are in. :o)


  13. Pingback: !!!Happy Birthday Pink Saturday!!! « Magpie’s Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

  14. Pingback: Roses in November… | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

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