trail of hearts …

all of you dear hearts out there

*lavender filled heart photographed on a cigar box with the mother of all golden ‘flimmers’ … collected long before I knew about the chocolate ones*

you know who you are

*blue cotton velvet from dear Jean … last tiny lavender bud harvest and a way to use my wee wire birdsnest*

you continue to touch my heart so sweetly

*recycled rose fabric and a vintage button on my 25 cent thrift shop plaster hand … the hot pink sticker glowing to the right … the white fur in the background was a surprise gift from our youngest son when he returned from boy scout camp one year*

Bless You One and All

*great “crackle” fabric from Lesley Riley’s clean out sale last year and a wooden hand charm*

lavender is soothing … I spent the evening stitching hearts with lavender buds tucked inside … all of us have hearts that need mending sometime or another … wish you could smell these and that I could stitch enough to send to each and every one of you


“Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart and the senses” ~ Lao Tzu, founder of Taoism

20 responses to “trail of hearts …

  1. oo they are all just beautiful!! i’m sure i can smell them….yes, i can….yum


  2. Loverly, loverly loverly as only a loverly lady could create! *wink* : ]


  3. Ohhh, I think the velvet blue one with the wee nest is my favourite!! Gorgeous. Me thinks they would look perfect on a wee stitchery!! 😀


  4. Beautiful Patty! Love the blue! But all are just gorgeous! xxoo


  5. lavendar and stitching is sooo soothing! especially stitching hearts eh? love these bella!


  6. Your hearts, including yours, are lovely.


  7. Your hearts contain much more than sweet lavender, My Friend! I”m sure they’re filled with good wishes, hopes and dreams , and generously sprinkled with a lot of love. Ihre Herzen sind wunderbar, Liebling! Happy Valentine’s Day Hugs, Patty! Terri xoxo


  8. Patty, these are sooo beautiful and I love love the quote…
    warm hugs…steph


  9. What beautiful hearts full of love and calming lavender- wonderfully stitched and so meaningful! Happy Valentine’s Day to you Patty!


  10. Your valentine creations are beautiful…gets mne in the mood to make something “just because”.


  11. All these hearts are so beautiful! But what sent me into a swoon was the 25 cent thrift shop plaster hand!! What a deal!


  12. Beautiful hearts Patty.. love lavender too.. that plaster hand is gorgeous..
    Happy Valentine’s day!


  13. Your hearts are so lovely Patty. Each so different and unique. Love that lavender.


  14. Ms. Patty ♥
    Sending you lots of blessing on this special day. You are a sweet, kind, and thoughtful lady.


  15. I love lavender, Patty! And your hearts bespeak beauty, thoughtfulness, and just simply lots of love. I can’t wait for spring so I can plant lavender! More snow first, tho, are you ready? Happy Valentine’s Day, dear friend!


  16. ups da gibts ja noch mehr Herzen 🙂 Schöne Bilder Patty


  17. I loved waking up to all of your beautiful hearts here for all to share this Valentine’s Day!


  18. I hope your Valentine’s Day is filled with peace and joy. Beautiful creations, thanks for sharing.


  19. I’m sort of late to this post, but all those hearts and hands are so symbolic. I know you told me your sis collects hands and you started, too, but I had no idea you had so many, and all so beautiful. The stitched hearts are amazing. I just can’t imagine doing anything so tedious and staying within the lines so well. Not only are you a great artist, fine decorator, but wonderful seamstress, too!


  20. That first piece is spectacular. It practically bursts out from the screen!!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts means a lot to me and I appreciate your visit very much oxo