your Birth Day

 well meaning and lovely people have often said  ” celebrate his life … bake a cake … he would want you to be happy …”


I am still here … doing the best I can … just not feeling ready to bake that cake … quite yet

*thanks once again to ACF for the lovely lady image and to Michelle for the gorgeous lace*

Your Birth Day by Sandy Goodman

there were tears
sad thoughts
long sighs
and a bleakness
i had not visited in a while
your grave was cold
the rose beside your rock dead and brittle
bubbles meant to send love your way
and useless
But today,
one day closer
the sun shines timidly
and I pull my thoughts
out of myself
and share them with those who know
i light candles
say your name
touch your picture
your silly grin warms the chill
i will find my way
around the fear
and come to the place
where I can celebrate your first breath
rather than mourn
your last.
Written by  ~ Sandy Goodman

remembering our Dear Alex today and every day

a happy boy on a Thanksgiving day many years ago on Skyline Drive

this priceless canvas from Bags of Love is the first thing I see each morning … sweet memories … it is no wonder I Love snow and the color blue…

Happy Birthday Precious  One … Ich Liebe Dich fur immer und immer   OXOXOXOO

34 responses to “your Birth Day

  1. I send you the warmth of my arms my friend….


  2. das ist sehr emotinale post liebe Patty und fählt mir schwer mein erfinden in worte zu fassen.
    ich drück dich ganz tolle aus der ferne Deutschland.

    Liebe Grüße
    Sanja 0xo


  3. Patty, I am emotionally affected……and I had tears in my eyes.
    I embrace you and press you to my heart.


  4. My friend Patty,

    I am seized very much by your words. I am quite steady with my thoughts with you.

    War Hugs for you and your family.
    Blessed and kisses.


  5. Dear Patti…
    Now I know why I was drawn to you. Our son Bruce ‘s birthday was Sept. 15, 1956.
    We miss him with each day since 1979.

    Bless you for sharing Alex.


  6. i wish i could hug you right now….


  7. Patty; I guess I had no idea that you lost your son. I haven’t been following your Blog, here, for too long but intend to for as long as I can.

    I still have chills from emotions I felt when I clicked on some of the links to follow. Somehow, when I opened up this page, I felt, within, that there was something. Your art always reflects deep and heavy-hearted feelings.

    I was so sorry to read of your loss and understand your feelings. We lost someone, near and dear to us about 2 1/2 years ago. It has left a hole in my heart.

    May you take comfort in the happy memories that you’ve had with Alex. Happy Birthday Alex!


  8. Patti,

    big hugggggz to you and Mr Magpie.
    Alex looks like him.

    No wonder you like snow a wonderful canvas and I adore the photo on Alex’s Gothic Arch.
    take care.
    chriss x


  9. Forever in our hearts, forever in our souls, and never far away. They are with us always and forever and only a whisper away. Hugs on this special day.


  10. Happy Memories of your Alex in the snow, what a lovely picture, no wonder that you are drawn to the snow. You are in my heart and thoughts Patty and JJJ!


  11. a very sweet moment captured…my thoughts are with you, i send you hugs over the magical waves of the internet and on every snowflake…xoxoxo



  12. This poem was shared with me when Mom left this world: Although I haven’t always had the words to give to you to offer up some comfort, I hope you know it’s true.Whenever we’re together or whether we ‘re apart, thoughts & prayers for you & yours dwell inside my heart. Happy Birthday Alex.


  13. Like a butterfly flown…
    we no longer can see…
    but in our hearts…
    forever… he will be…

    Your post is beautiful and moving… as I’m sure Alex was…


  14. My heart is full and breaking for you, Patty. I’m sure that although you think of and miss your Sweet Alex every minute of every day, today of the minutes will tick by with a special sense of poignancy. Would that words could mend your broken heart and hugs could ease your pain. Blessings & Love, Dear Friend. Terri xoxo


  15. I love this photo. It is filled with such sweetness and happiness. this piece you have created says it all to me. I am right there in spirit with you giving you a big hug and wiping the tears from my own eyes. much love to you dear one, on this and every day. xoxox


  16. thinking of you.


  17. Dear Patty, my arms are open and have enclosed you and now I have sent hugs to you! I promise that it will get easier…. somehow, someday…. Christen


  18. There’s not a dry eye among your blog viewers today. The emotional tug of war you feel was not lost on anyone.

    After wiping the tears from my eyes, I clicked on your lovely tribute to Alex and was overjoyed to see all the wonderful things I learned from this piece. The bit of lace you used in her hair, the baubles on the bottom, and the cord you strung and tacked, are like a free art lesson.

    Heart retching tribute, inspiring art, incredible post.


  19. Patty, Such a beautiful mother’s heart in you…every little piece of this post is very special. Your lovely art piece speaks volumes…but the canvas of Alex, as you stated, priceless. Thank you for sharing this special post. Warm hugs, xo Sue


  20. to dear dear Patty, I’m sending my love from here in England to you with a heavy heart and tearful reading all the above messages .
    It’s my birthday tomorrow but I am sending all the good wishes I receive to you to lift your heart in rememberance of your darling son Alex. Love Penny xx


  21. I can’t say I know how you feel…my heart is full and I send you blessings and prayers.


  22. Patty, I can only echo all the sentiments expressed above, a beautiful tribute to your darling Alex. Big hugs to you and Mr M.


  23. Hello Patty,
    it is so sad, I have tears in my eyes and think off you. It is the biggest desaster in the world to lost a child. Your lovely Alex is staying in your heart and will never forget.



  24. Oh my Deat Patty we think about you with hope for future peace. Give giant hugs . And your tributes are always so wonderful and inspiring to us all.


  25. Big hugs from me, too!


  26. I’ve got tears in my eyes reading your post and all the beautiful comments.
    Sending huge warm hugs your way, you are in my thoughts Patty!


  27. Patty, I’ve been sitting in front of my computer for a long time looking for words.
    all I can do is to send you my love over the Ocean.
    can you feel it?


  28. cake can wait …..
    all that snow you’ve been having ….
    no wonder you haven’t complained …..
    no wonder you have hearts in the snow.


  29. happy birthday, sweet alex. we miss you.


  30. Pingback: Kandeland Tea | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

  31. From one mother to another my heart embraces yours dear friend xx


  32. Wishing you and your family comfort from your pain and sweetness in your memories. Sending you love dear Patty. xoxo


  33. Thinking of you Patty…


  34. Big hug, thinking of yoy, take care xox


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts means a lot to me and I appreciate your visit very much oxo