two days with a master artiste

the one and only

Michael deMeng

taught two workshops about twenty minutes drive away …  all thanks to Angela of Happy Stamper in Reston for nabbing him after his Art & Soul classes in Hampton, VA … what a treat!!!

Day 1 Cave of Pages

a simple wooden cigar box … got excited and forgot to take a picture of the actual box part before I got busy … there is the lid

my focal image was going to be a swan … but something different came up in the end … found my box a bit challenging to photograph to capture the true coloring and depth

Michael deMeng is an extraordinary teacher … he creates an atmosphere of creativity and fun in his classes … he could have his own “deMeng speak” dictionary with all of the color wash names and other clever jargon he uses … one of the things that is apparent is that he Loves what he does … he is so present and giving

Day 2 Loteria “Cards” made of simple wood blocks … special cool Apoxie Sculpt clay

(thank you Leslie for sharing) … rusty bits of this and that …

I had so many ideas for these and brought SO much stuff to class

in the end I had to put on a few final touches at home … I got to use some of the great rusty bottle caps Mr Magpie is always surprising me with

I highly recommend

Michael deMeng’s newest book, Dusty Diablos …  a visual feast full of inspiration … he shares some great techniques and tells some fascinating stories in the process … his artwork draws you in with its richness … mystery and depth

I was lucky enough to take an altered light bulb class with Michael at Art & Soul a few years ago … I would definitely take a class from him again… each time I learn so much from this generous and talented artist!

many thanks once again Angela !!!

36 responses to “two days with a master artiste

  1. BEAUTIFUL!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love all creations of Michael deMeng too!


  2. Michael deMeng…I’m sooo jealous…

    I love the colors on your “Cards”.
    and the Frida one is simply stunning.


  3. Now I know why you’ve been MIA in blogland!!! And I’m thrilled for you, Patty! Your class sounds like it was amazing, and your creations are fabulous! Hugs, Terri xoxo


  4. Oh wow wow wow Patty your work is incredible.
    Michael Meng rock. Love all what my eyes here see.


  5. Wow, it’s fantastic, dear Patty.

    Have a nice weekend.



  6. whoa hooo….what masterpieces you created here….wonderful work!!!!


  7. I was wondering why you were not posting to your blog. Of course I feared you had gotten ill again. Needless to say, I was delighted to see (and I do mean SEE) the reason for your absence.

    To be quite honest, I have never cared for Michael deMeng’s art. Yes, I can hear your response loud and clear, but it’s just something I never seemed to get into. HOWEVER, having said that, the incredible Day 2 Loteria “cards” from wooden blocks knocked me off my feet. Now I don’t know how much of that was deMeng’s influence and how much of it was your own interpretation of the workshop, but this is something I fell in love with and could really explore. These three pieces are just beyond beautiful. And, although I’m still not a fan of deMeng, I AM a fan of the art you produced in his class. I can’t say enough wonderful things about them.


  8. Marilyn Rock

    Patty! Oh; I’m SO happy for you that you are taking Michael deMeng’s class again! I really admire so much of his work and if he were in my area, I’d take a class, too. Love what you are doing with the box! WOW! xxoo


  9. Very cool pieces!


  10. Sounds like you had a marvelous TIME! I am so jealous, I really am…. if it had not been during the week but on a weekend I would have signed up. But I had to work. *sigh* OH well, I am happy to see your art pieces. Hmmmm, tearing up baby dolls again, are you my sweet Patty. You can read my mind, I am sure. And I see your Frieda is back just like you said she would be! Love your images and creations with her. Hugs,


  11. This is such a splendid display of wonderful workwomanship! Lucky you to get to take this class and work with such a master as De Meng. I love your creations, you are so inspiring!


  12. oh what wonderful art pieces you created patty and they look like you too which is sometimes hard when you do classes with such a strong you will be inspired now to make more…jenxo


  13. WOW, wow, wow Patty, how awsome!!!! Lucky you to get to go to his great workshops. He’s soooo talented and so are you my friend!!! These pieces of art are absolutely fantastic!! Such great compositions and attention to detail. I LOVE them all. You are such an inspiration to me, I love your work my friend!! Standing ovations and BRAVO’s, You go girl!!!

    Big hug and blessings,


  14. Seriously cool pieces Patty! Love the effects from the clay and the colour wash treatments look fab! How cool classes with Michael! Love his work and what you have done from your classes with him!


  15. Lucky duck!! And beautiful results from that class!! Love the idea of using that clay also. Seth has some “hands” on his blog – you should check his out also!!1


  16. You have just blown me away with this process..I will look for his new book to investigate his wonderful layers of textures. What a lovely way to make your sacred marks…I wish we lived closer. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart


  17. How awesome, what a wonderful opportunity. Thanks for sharing your incredible projects with us.


  18. Breathtaking.

    Absolutely breathtaking.


  19. what can I say…These are beautiful Patty!!! Glad you had good fun!! xo steph


  20. Such beautiful pieces! It must have been an awesome class 🙂


  21. Ridiculously AWESOME creations!!! The apoxie sculpting clay creations has just been added to my want-to-try list. The last one with your bird nest, by a teenie-tiny margin, was chosen as my favorite. The textures, colors, patina, etc. are captivating…..your imagination and creative spirit are so FUN!


  22. Your pieces are truly amazing. My favorite is the hand reaching toward grace. What a great set of classes these must have been!


  23. Amazing…yes, that is the right word! You are so good at whatever you attempt, girl. I love all of it…


  24. WOW !!!! Fabulous


  25. wow !!! fabulous !! you’re really lucky and your creations are amazing


  26. They all turned out so well. You really have the washes down… it adds so much depth. My favorite card has to be the “grace” piece. And you know how much I love your cave of pages piece. It was even more beautiful in person!


  27. These are just awesome! I love this look. I especially like Grace. I have a rusty bottle cap fetish too! ;0
    Autumn Clark


  28. WOW! WOW! WOW! I’ve been waiting to see these goodies from deMeng’s classes! And they did not fail to WOW me, as I knew they would! They are all so wonderful, full of depth and texture…the more you look, the more you see…I love that about his classes, working in 3D, and filling in with all kinds of goodies! Patty, your work is beautiful! I knew it would be! As you know, I am also a big deMeng fan…and I love all things rusty 🙂
    Thanks for sharing these beauties!


  29. Great work Patty!


  30. yes, isn’t he a fun guy! haha and soo cool to see the glimmerstern hahaha giggling away here fabulous art


  31. What fabulous art you have created Patty…I am so impressed. And to think I almost missed this post!!
    You know what I’m like about body parts (;-))….but I really like the piece with the arm.


  32. I know envy is one of the seven deadly sins, but I think maybe I’d die a little bit to take a class with him! A friend of mine has done his Italy class in Cortona — said he’s amazing and you do, too!

    Love the pieces you did — if you say they didn’t photograph well and they look this good, I shudder to think how amazing they are in person!


  33. How good if I can join the class.
    I love the pieces that you worked out in the class.
    What inspiring !!!


  34. I signed up for his class in New Orleans in February……nice to hear positive feedback about his classes!


  35. Pingback: Treasures « rcs creations ~ just a girl and her art

  36. Pingback: Halloween Week T… | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

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