2011 in review compiled by WordPress

“The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. This blog was viewed about 120,000 times in 2011. If it were an exhibit at the Louvre Museum, it would take about 5 days for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.”

interesting to click around on the report and see percentages and where people are visiting from…

Many thanks to WordPress and to all of you lovely visitors and special friends that commented for helping make my Magpie’s Nest a really special part of my life…

I appreciate your time … energy and continued support SO very much! 

The numbers are interesting but it is the chance to connect with so many caring and creative people that brings me great joy and fills my heart again and again with gratitude…OXO

15 responses to “2011 in review compiled by WordPress

  1. This is so interesting Patty – thank you for sharing it. Great post. I love your Blog – between your art and words; I wouldn’t miss a post! Warm thoughts of you…………….xxoo Marilyn


  2. such a fun review, thanks for sharing. Would love it if Blogger provided something of the kind 🙂


  3. Without your blog, we would never have “met.” As always, I am in awe of your posts, as well as your paper and fiber art, and your photos. Everything you post keeps me coming back for more every day you are on the net. So glad for the stats, but am even more happy with just “knowing” you!


  4. The report is always so interesting! Very glad you are here with your beautiful art and photography! I always look forward to my visits with you. Have a beautiful Sunday! Going to be 69 here in Oklahoma!


  5. What a Lovely way to recap your year blogging, I Loved visiting this morning and now I am trying to play catch up on some of your previous entries too. You never disappoint Dear Friend and you do Light Up My Life! What a JoY you are!


  6. What an interesting post.

    It’s the first chance I’ve had to wander over this way, so Happy New Year my friend, and I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with in 2012.



  7. And…some of us revisit more than once a post! You’re welcome!!!! hee hee!


  8. so neat the comparisons.. surely my visiting once/day and then clicking links for roughly an hour here have got to up your stats to louvre level, no? 😉


  9. Pingback: 2011 in review compiled by WordPress | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty …

  10. Congrats on the successful blogging year Patty. Almost 700 in one day is fantastic.


  11. love seeing the stats on my blog as well, so interesting isn’t it? hope you are having a good monday! xox


  12. Félicitations, ce blog est super et c’est mérité.


  13. I’m thinking Blogger doesn’t do that — or if it does, I’ve yet to find it! Interesting!


  14. what a great report, really interesting… and THANK YOU for an awe inspiring blog and as well as being such a lovely blogger…:)


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts here...it means a lot to me and I appreciate your visit very much oxo