…sunny day in our garden

“Science has never drummed up quite as effective a tranquilizing agent as a sunny day.” ~W. Earl Hall

top left: American Goldfinch, bottom left: Downy Woodpecker, center: House Sparrow splash party in our Angel fountain, top right: yellow lilies, bottom right: Brown-headed Cowbird*

with thanks to Jeanie for sharing piZap another free photo editing service with oodles of mosaic options

9 responses to “…sunny day in our garden

  1. Très belle mosaïque, Magnifiques photos.


  2. And thanks to you, too for the link. I am sure this is something I will use in the not too distant future, especially the posts where I go on forever and ever. Thanks again.

    It was also a lot of fun walking through your garden with you today. I can’t believe how many flowers you have. A profusion of color at every turn!!


  3. Beautiful mosaique, dear Patty,-Thank`s for the link, I have misses a program for making special mosiac`s-
    Love the Lillie.
    Have a great evening dear-Hugs,Dorthe


  4. More beautiful photos. IT’s been really stormy here today. Quickly ran and got a few groceries in between downpours.


  5. Gorgeous photos – love the mosaic! xxoo


  6. Sooo sweet. I love your bird bath. I left one of mine at my old house… the birds would miss it.


  7. You have a lovely garden Patty. The mosaic works well. I think birdbaths are such excellent value…. the bird circus that goes on around them is fascinating.


  8. You’re welcome. It’s addictive, isn’t it?!


  9. Oh I love your garden! I want to get a bird bath, we have bird feeders and I have a couple of Cardinals, I’m sure they’d love a bird bath, especially in this heat!


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