making marks…

 using some of my fabric monoprints…

stitching with needle and thread without thinking too much…

filling in spaces and following lines (that is my friend Nathalie’s wonderful pin cushion creation…she may have a leg left here)

varying the number of threads I use embroidering mostly dashes and french knots…

my own kind of stitched Morse Code

“Weigh’st thy words before thou givest them breath” ~William Shakespeare


32 responses to “making marks…

  1. stempelchaotin

    Wow my sweet Patty your work is phenomenal.
    Absolutely inspiring and fantastic. Love them.

    Have a lovely day my dear friend.


  2. oh wow patty, your stitcjing really enhances your mono prints…i did a class on gelli printing…it was fabulous , another obsession 🙂


  3. This is gorgeous, dear Patty


  4. Just gorgeous! You are a master choreographer with stitches! So creative and masterful! Just thinking how beautiful stitching is- always bringing things together – SEW (so) it must be in the category of forever collaborator! 😉 xo hugs


  5. The mono prints had beauty in themselves but Patty, oh my you have raised them to the most sensational level. I can just imagine the tactile quality to these.
    I am off to take another peek at those photographs.
    Have a lovely Wednesday.


  6. and I understand every word. 🙂


  7. Awe struck! Such beautiful stitching. This is very special Patty. xoxo


  8. Oh I love it. very good stitching ;0) I now also have more gelitine to have a go at doing my plate again! ;0)

    Just had my first twinki (£1.25) so not worth it lol.


  9. I like how one reader put it, you are a master choreographer of stitches,indeed!


  10. I’m still playing with my mono prints too! (not stitching though, as I used paper only) I’m so happy you showed the gelatine technique!!! Your fabric pieces with embroidery are magical and so YOU! Love them!


  11. Holy cow. This is gorgeous. And yes, I’ll leave all that hand stitching to you, my dear. Holding a needle is a bit like zentangling. I can’t do either and be able to use my hand the next two days. But I’m loving how you used one of your gel prints. Awesome.


  12. oh patty, that is just dreamy! beautiful favorite colors and dit dit dit morse code stitching = can’t wait to see more!! (is this part of a larger piece?)


  13. Beautiful monoprints and your stitching is so most charming. Love the colors and all you used for the fabulous embroidery.
    xox Anja


  14. Stunning. Just stunning………….


  15. Beautiful!!!!!! I love your dots and dashes! These are soooo yummy! I’m hoping to see them more up close and personal! hee hee!


  16. Ohhhhhhh… meant to say… I do love Nathalie’s leg pin cushion!!! I can’t believe she still has any of those in her shop!!! Too cool!


  17. great stitching there, love the colors too, and the pin cushy is fab, she is a talented girl.. xo


  18. OH Patty, your mono prints have made me drool, and want to try myself,-but this my dear, is stunning, and way out of what I could do! I so love your french knots mini flowers and the whole stitching in this BEAUTIFUL
    Did you make this a table runner? I love it and the colours of the wonderful sea on the mono prints. What a very special creation, dear friend.


  19. just beautiful…love it ! another project for my car rides – love a good sewing project for my long trips thanks for the inspiration once again!!!!!!!


  20. Lovely stitching! And I laughed when I read that Nathalie might have a leg left….the mental image THAT conjured up in my mind was too funny.


  21. Lovely stitching! Sorry I missed tea yesterday I had to ride my bike home in the rain and sort of crashed… I was very sore and didn’t even turn my computer on… Just put hot compresses on my neck and back and went to bed.


  22. WOW! is all I can say. Love your take on Morse Code and what a fantastic pin cushion. That should help inspire you. Just Lovely!


  23. That is so beautiful! It makes me yearn for creative time. For some reason this summer is really hectic. Oh well ….. It is lovely weather at least ….


  24. Oh Patty, you always surprise me!
    Love your embroidery and only YOU could come up with a title such as Morse Code!!!!!!!! It’s wonderful – just another of your talents huh??
    I’m emailing you..
    big hugs


  25. beautifully done! love the colors in your monoprints – your stitching is like frosting the cake! perfect.
    and of course, that pincushion!!!


  26. WOW Patty!!! Simply gorgeous stitching and beautiful mono prints!!! I am impressed!
    Many hugs from Norway!


  27. Beautiful! Love the texture and variation.


  28. These are amazing Patty!


  29. loving this to no end!!!


  30. Hey Patty…. this is inspiring….I’ll be trying it out ASAP.


  31. Wow Patty! Where have I Been?! Your Work is so Lovely and Delicate. Beautifully Done!


  32. Patty these are simply beautiful! I just recently got my Gelli plates (yes I indulged in two) and am totally immersed in printing my own fabric. It’s magical isn’t it! I wish I had your wonderful stitching skills though. Or maybe it’s just the patience I need. lol


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts means a lot to me and I appreciate your visit very much oxo