tea and little things…

 the smallest things delight me…

Mother Nature…

  birds visiting our angel fountain…

spending time with beautiful butterflies in our Virginia garden    (we put out watermelon rinds and they Love it)

today I baked marbles and put them into ice water to crack…

before                  and                 after

I had always wanted to try that …
I am enjoying some tasty fruit tea from a friend that comes in the prettiest hand illustrated box…

even the tea bag wrapper and tea tag are hand decorated…

 using  my parents’ Bavarian Winterling tea cup makes me happy and sad all at the same time

I wove the birds nest using an old lamp cord also rescued from my parents home…

 little things mean a lot…

you can check here to see if Kimmie is back for Tea on Tuesdays this week…

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” ~Leonard Cohen

31 responses to “tea and little things…

  1. Such a beautiful post dear Patty… I love those cracked marbles… and the pretty tea bag label and box is gorgeous… as is your sweet tea cup and saucer… and your garden pics are delightful… I always feel such peacefulness when I visit here :))

    Jenny x


  2. Such a bevy of beauty and love! Your teacup could not be prettier and that little cord nest just touches my heart. Wishing you a wonderful day among your beloved treasures Patty. xoxo


  3. Was there fog at you house this morning? Fog so think at Bleak Hill that I couldn’t see the meadow.


  4. OMGosh. Is that a TREE stump that birdbath is sitting on? Leave it to me, because I’m even seeing tree stumps in my sleep (grin).

    Well, I admit. Marble cracking was a new one for me. Maybe you could tell me the temp and time in the oven, then I could bake some, too. I have a TON of marbles and they might improve in looks if cracked. Of course, all of mine are colored several colors.

    I have to admire your tea today. I think the hand made tags would be great in an AB/journal page. Just lovely. Have one super, incredible Tea Tuesday. Although I’m taking a hiatus, I’ll catch up when I return.


  5. OOPS! That will teach me to follow your considerate LINK, which told me everything I wanted to know about cracking marbles. Sorry about that.


  6. ah glad you found it Elizabeth…I include so many links in my posts…I find it helpful when I want to find things too 😉
    and yes, that is a tree stump…I always want to rescue nice stumps when I see them


  7. I found your post this morning absolutely delightful, Patty. How marvelous that you not only took the time to enjoy the little things, but that you took the time to share them with us! You are blessed to have such lovely creatures in your yard. The nest you built is perfectly charming as well. What are your plans for the cracked marbles? I’m sure they will be something special!


  8. It IS the little things, isn’t it!!! I DISTINCTLY remember when I was 12, my mother and my aunt cracking marbles like that and making jewelry with them….this was in the early 60’s! Great post…anxious to see what you do with those.


  9. Hi Patty! Gosh I haven’t been over in ages! I’m having a lazy morning after battling weeds yesterday, so I though I’d blog hop while I eat lunch!


  10. Oh! And your photos are awesome and gorgeous as always!!!


  11. just wonderful photos dearie, love the birds splashing in your angel fountain, always so nice to stop by for tea at your place! xox


  12. Diane Colson

    I love the bird’s nest made with the leftover chord from your parents house, I also love the sentiment…


  13. Patty, your photos are exquisite. Love the nest too. You are so creative, but who wouldn’t be inspired by your beautiful garden.


  14. Just beautiful- my walk in the park today was in reading your post! So delicately magnetic- and love your words- “little things mean alot!” xo hugs


  15. The tea looks amazing and the cup is gorgeous… but your whole post is just a visual feat… you make everything look so beautiful… it is a talent all on its own…xx


  16. You’re right, little things mean alot. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos.


  17. I think the little things are often the best things. Love the lamp cord birds nest. I could totally see something like that coming out of my parents house as well. They never threw anything out….ever…
    Just got back from vacation….hopefully have a post up tomorrow.


  18. Love your post Patty. I didn’t know birds liked watermelon rinds, I’ll have to remember it for next summer 🙂

    I love seeing the beautiful pictures of your days in Virginia. It’s so different to this dry land 🙂 We haven’t had any rain so far this year (which is rare, we usually have a couple drops falling in mid July-early August)

    Oh, and I didn’t know marbles could do that! You always seem to find the most beautiful ways to alter normal objects 🙂


  19. Lots of pretty things! 🙂


  20. I love love love that bird shot!! and all your butterflies are gorgeous! we haven’t had as many butterflies this year. It is funny how things like that go in cycles. Have a wonderful day!


  21. A post brimming the delights.
    Isn’t it so wonderful that something which many see as being merely a humble teabag has the most care and love into the tiniest of details, that is delightful as is your nest. Adore that you took something so ordinary to create extraordinary.
    That tea-cup is definitely brimming with prettiness.
    Not only that, I’ve learnt something new as I never knew marbles could do that!
    Have a beautiful day Patty. Yesterday we had the heaviest of rain all day and thunderstorms.


  22. Oh my goodness, you don’t know how many old cords I have held and thought “there must be something to do with this” but because I keep soooo much old “junk” I’ve always thrown the cords away. Now, here I see a birds nest. Neat. I really like your birds in the bird bath too!


  23. inanoctopusgarden

    love your quiet moments – it gives me a moment of calm -thanks for sharing and also the marble idea …hmmmm!


  24. Patty dear, what a beautiful post again. The birds and butterflyes enjoying your garden and having fun-
    and I love the nest you made from the cord you rescued from your parents home, it looks fantastic, and is such a sweet way of remembering -it is perfect in your chair with lovely mosses in.
    The tea cup and box is just made for each other, and looks so beautiful.
    I read about the marples, how fun- and they looks fantastic, too.
    Thankyou for a great visit with you, hope your day is lovely.
    Hugs from Dorthe


  25. You always post the most fantastic stuff dear one… crack marbles, I know them but never did it myself – I didn’t even know I could! Ohoh… I’m still in love with the monoprinting so I won’t be cracking marbles – no, I won’t. I have to get rid of the gelatine-itch first.


  26. Dear Patty
    Everyone has said it all so I’ve been pipped at the post…again!!!
    Just let me say I agree whole-heartedly with your sentiments –
    life’s about the little things…
    * just looking at the detail in your first image – the beautiful containers you have used to grow your little treasures in, including the shells – just magical Patty.
    * the birds playing so happily in your angel fountain, framed with that lovely lavender flower – what is it?
    * the ‘not in your face’ things – such as my little violet patch flowering their little hearts out just now!!

    life’s also about taking the time to notice the ordinary as well as the extraordinary!!
    They all make my heart sing too!
    I always have such warm feelings when I visit your nest
    thank you Patty!



  27. Hi Patty. Super post and fabulous photos TFS. Especially love the marbles.
    Regards Florence x


  28. I love the way you see life Patty…and glad that you share 🙂 xx


  29. Little things are so important to note and enjoy, I agree. I means that we’re actually looking and seeing the world around us. And you are the master of that, my sweet. Your post made me smile and realize that at the moment, I have missed quite a few small things lately. Hopefully that will not be the case when the fence is done. And watermelon rinds for the butterflies? I just threw them out yesterday, but perhaps I should go and find one and place it on the bench in the garden to see what I attract!
    The birds are in the midst of devouring my sunflowers and boy are they HAPPY!
    Sending love your way as you begin a new day of seeing the small things.


  30. Another wonderful time spent at yr blog learning, being inspired and cheered thanks Patty xx


  31. I also wanted to say such a beautiful tea set and wonderful photos of the birdies made me smile. Lovely Bird Nest to and very ingeniously made ;0)


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