Art Joural Journey August “Frida Kahlo” Challenge

today I am sharing what was actually the ‘first’ piece I created for the AJJ Frida challenge

Magpie's Nest Wings to Fly loose leaf journal page (1)

I just wasn’t thrilled with it so I kept putting it aside and creating something else

Magpie's Nest Wings to Fly supplies

I hauled out a lot of ingredients for this a little larger than a postcard size journal page…

Magpie's Nest Wings to Fly loose leaf journal page (2)

the last thing I added was some of the blue Woody Stabilo hitting it with a wet brush and letting it drip a bit…

Magpie's Nest Wings to Fly loose leaf journal page

 the cage dress form stamp was my initial inspiration…

Patty Szymkowicz Frida Sampler for AJJ Aug 2014

here are my creations for the Art Journal Journey’s August Challenge

Magpie's Nest Frida creations(4, 44, 58, 75, 102, 112 and 125)

22 responses to “Art Joural Journey August “Frida Kahlo” Challenge

  1. I love it! You have made it into another masterpiece (mistress piece)!
    I still have a few I haven’t showed yet, so they will be coming this week! Your Frida has made me very happy again. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie


  2. What a great collection! You could have an exhibition! What will you do with them?


  3. What an impressive body of work! Well done!


  4. What a wonderful background and fabulous portfolio!
    Sandy xx


  5. Gorgeous work, my friend!


  6. This is stunning. I think you used every element in your arsenal on this one, because there are so many layers and so much detail. This is not a page you can briefly view, then go onto the next. This is one that must be studied and savored. It is beautiful.


  7. Another fabulous and inspiring Frida page Patty! xxx


  8. Wow you have created another wonderful Frida Collage with these nice stamps you used. But I like all your nice Frida Artworks.
    Dearest Greetings
    Sabine xox


  9. Such a fabulous collection, I love this new Frida addition, great art!


  10. It appears that you met the Frida challenge quite well. Always enjoy the complex layers you create.


  11. A wonderful collection!


  12. Fantastic Fridas. And great blog entrys. I spent some time reading some posts. You do fabulous work.


  13. Your challenge pages are gorgeous dear Patty…. and I love your latest one just as much…. your girl is fabulous with the cage dress form stamp…. and the blue stabilo just finishes the page perfectly…. so beautiful ❤

    Jenny X


  14. i´m sure you could continue this all year Long;) a perfect theme for you! and i love love love this Palm tree rubber stamp!


  15. WOW what a wonderful tribute to Frida. I love the combination of all elements and the color you created and combined
    I wish you a happy week,
    xox Anja


  16. WOW, Patty, what a fantastic background you have created for Frida !! The blue wet drawing and dripping looks great, and a wonderful idea to use the dress form for her. Love your words, too my dear friend.
    Your gallery of Frida is a beautiful collection .
    Hugs from me. x


  17. froebelsternchen

    fantatsic woth on FRida again Patty… so beautiful artwork did you create the current month! ♥♥♥


  18. sparkledaysstudio

    Nice stamp collection there Patty. Frida, so much story from everyone participating. xox


  19. This is such a lovely collection of artwork. I just love everything you’ve done on Frida – inspired collaging, painting and stamping! Wonderful. xxx


  20. I may have already commented on this…. but I don’t think so. I really like that “fan” stamp! It’s soooooooooo useful!!!!


  21. like the colours and textures


  22. What a good challenge. Looks like you have already maxed it out. Lovely color — your backgrounds never cease to amaze me.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts means a lot to me and I appreciate your visit very much oxo