art journaling just because…

it had been since July that I played in either of my gesso journals…

Magpie's Nest Gesso art journals

when mystery directions written on a slip of paper popped up inspiration hit me for an art journal spread (I used the original note tearing it in half and using a piece on the corners of each page)…

Magpie's Nest Find Your Way Home journal closeup

some bits of old tissue paper with text on it… torn map paper… washi tape and a few rubber stamps flowed onto the pages along with touches of paint… gesso and Stabilo pencil for shading…

Magpie's Nest Find Your Way Home journal pages

the next day a lovely geisha image turned up on my work table and two more pages came to be…

Magpie's Nest Geisha art journal page

the golden Ginkgo leaf that got separated from other more pristine ones that I had pressed in years past seemed just right (when I decided to look up the symbolism of the Ginkgo I was pleased to find it is popular in Asian art…maybe in the recesses of mind I knew that?)… the golden fan shaped leaves always speak to me…

Magpie's Nest Ginkgo art journal pages

when some of my pressed violets presented themselves along with the thoughtful lady below two more pages materialized (these three spreads were done on and off over about a three day period of time)…

Magpie's Nest While the soul whispers art journal pages

in digging around in my goodie piles I came across lovely scraps of vintage paper that I had plastered along with what I thought was the perfect quote (I have quotes scribbled on little pieces of paper and it is fun when they pop up)…

Magpie's Nest While the soul whispers quote pages

when I get wrapped up in creating everything falls away and sometimes I even forget to stop for a drink of water…

Magpie's Nest refreshing water

this glass tasted especially good out on our back porch when I was snapping photos of my finished pages to share with you

Magpie's Nest Pause that refreshes

here’s wishing everyone a very happy T day along with Elizabeth and Bleubeard… I appreciate your visit here!

35 responses to “art journaling just because…

  1. Awesome! I always love seeing how you create. Have a great day. Tammy


  2. Oh, so lovely, all of them. I can just envision you happily creating, hands covered in paint, discovering treasures on your work table, listening to what they say.


  3. Interesting view, looking into your glass, almost made me dizzy……grin
    WONDERFUL journal pages. I keep going back and looking at them trying to decide which I like the best. Love the colors of the first, but the geisha girl fascinates me, and then the sentiment on the third really speaks to me.

    Thanks for sharing your work and your water.
    Happy T-day


  4. fantastic journal pages Patty! I can just tell you were in the zone and flow of creating. There was a ginko tree up the street where I lived and I was always fascinated by this unusual tree. I’d pick up a leaf or two and bring it home-just for so. See what memories your beautiful page has reminded me of? Wonderful quote on your last page-so true. Happy T day!


  5. Two wonderful new pages you made, such a lot to look. I like the nice blue elements at your Geisha page and the very true quote at your page with the Violets. Both very good composed and in harmony. Can’t stop looking at.
    Have a nice day.
    Dear Greetings
    Sabine XOX


  6. What marvelous pages in your gesso AB. Three spreads in the blink of an eye, and I can barely take it all in with one sitting. I think I have that same compass stamp. Odd, too, since I own so few stamps. Love what you have done with the flowers and the added elements. And of course, I simply ADORE that glass.

    Thanks for sharing these lovely pages with us, and your beautiful glass filled with water for T this Tuesday.


  7. Beautiful subtle colors and textures…love your pages! Isn’t it wonderful when things come together? I’m with E…that water glass is lovely! happy T day…


  8. You created some wonderful pages. I like ginkgo leaves too and pick them up from time to time. A Japanese friend told me to carry one in my wallet next to my folding money to increase my wealth. I do it but haven’t noticed my bank account increasing, LOL!



  9. Each with such contrasting themes yet beauty prevails in all of those pages.
    The addition of the pressed gingko leaf and also the pressed violets bring so much to each page, in fact the violet journal pages are my favourite with that gorgeous touch of plastered page and what a wonderful quote you included. A dreaminess was evident on this page and I like the touches of colour from the petals and leaves against the vintage white.
    I have just finished two large glasses of water, always a favourite to quench thirst. I do like that glass.


  10. Serendipity is a fine thing, Patty. I love it when a previously lost scrap sparks your imagination. Lovely pages.


  11. sparkledaysstudio

    Marvelous collages. LoVe, lOvE that blue border on your geisha piece. xox


  12. Hello Patty, I get the impression from this post that your pages were created by magic and indeed they do look quite magical. I love that the violets came along and sat quietly by your side until you found a place for them, and that the perfect quote struggled out of the goodie pile to land on your page.
    These pages in blue are so lovely.


  13. Lovely pages. I’m glad that you are still enjoying summer, ours seems to have departed 😦


  14. I love what you did with the pressed flowers 🙂 That glass! I’m loving that glass!


  15. It’s a fantastic to see how your Art borns and grows from the unusual or very common things, and everytime it’s just amazing and so beautiful!


  16. You are on a roll! I like all the little snippets that worked their way into your journal pages. Have a happy T Day. 🙂


  17. This is all so beautiful, so delicate, these pages make me want to reach out and touch them! That glass of water looks so refreshing, a perfect moment!


  18. Fantastic journal pages! Pieces falling into place…love it.
    That glass is mesmerizing!


  19. Wonderful pages! I love how the light filters through the glass.


  20. Great pages! Are these gesso journals from Misty’s class? I really need to organize my quotes…… I’m always struggling to find them…..


  21. twinkletoes2day

    Super fabulous pages!! They all made me smile for one reason or another 😀 And your glass is mesmerising 😀
    I have collected a number of pressed flowers but hate to use them, so the collection ‘grows’ 😉 I know I should use them as they lend a certain something special to any piece of art 🙂
    Thank you for your visit to my blog, I’m happy that you like my ‘Fred’ 😀 I have my eye on several others too 🙂 Different to a teapot, but a little more fun with less clearing up 😉
    (hugs) xo


  22. What lovely pages! Delicate and atmospheric. Love the script and all the touches. Unique water glass, too. Happy T-Day! 🙂


  23. Beautiful pages Patty. Love the first one and the face of the lady. Love the lovely pattern on the inside of the glass.
    Thank you for your comment on my post. Yes, now I’m alright and back in full swing-:)
    Have a great week.


  24. Love that quote! And your work!


  25. beautiful layers and photos


  26. Patty, dear, they are all of a very special beauty, the beauty coming from your soul. So lovely with all the whiteness with blue tones and the sweet violets. The first spread is so powerfull with your text,- and the geisha pages stunning in light from that special blue , and the last lovely violet pages, beautiful in both qoute and the sweetness of the pressed flowers with the wonderful image. You so inspire me dearest , thank you for showing !!


  27. So wonderful pages, liebe Patty, wie immer.


  28. Fantastic, Patty. I always enjoy looking at your journal pages, you’re very creative.
    Sorry for not being around these days. I’m very busy and there is no time for the computer.


  29. Wonderful journal pages, very inspiring.
    Big hugs Anja


  30. Wow, what beautiful journal pages. Makes me miss gesso/white outs, maybe I should try that next… 🙂


  31. Ahhh so much lovely pages Patty…Love the vintage touch all of your work is speaking!! You also have such a great hand on choosing colors 🙂 Wonderful you share your work with us!!


  32. Oh that Geisha image and the blue flowers! I love the enigmatic quality of these pages. It has the feel of finding beautiful little clues in a treasure hunt. This is such lovely work. I too forget to drink when I become involved in what I’m doing. It’s as if all time stops while we create, or maybe we enter some special version of time – creative time! xxx


  33. Patty, your journaling pages are always such inspiration to me! I know what you mean about falling into it and the time just flies — you have no idea where it went! These are truly stunning. I love how you let the serendipity of finding things guide your work!

    Catching up… someday I’ll stay put and be able to see everything on time!


  34. Such beautiful, inspiring pages! xxx


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts means a lot to me and I appreciate your visit very much oxo