winter dreams…

playing with paint and gesso (regular, clear and heavy gesso) and bits of paper and peeled napkin for this 8 x 10 canvas…

Magpie's Nest Patty Szymkowicz Winter Dreams processthinking out loud to my husband that the piece needed something at the top he had the wonderful suggestion of adding a twig over the window (the lady is an image I have had in my files for about 8 years which was a freebie from Shabby Cottage Studio)…

Magpie's Nest Patty Szymkowicz beach woodwe just happened to have some weathered wood that we’d brought back from a favorite beach last summer and that got my wheels turning for the finishing touches for my mixed media canvas…

Magpie's Nest Patty Szymkowicz Winter Dreams

I am joining Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Journey “Winter Wonderland”

“Dreams are as simple or as complicated as the dreamer.” -Brian Herbert

43 responses to “winter dreams…

  1. So lovely Patty, and hubby had the right idea for the finishing touch.
    Beautiful !! xoxo


  2. I love how she is looking out the window-like a delicate flower that can’t take the cold. Its very very pretty. Love your background too- it feels cold but lacy and really like a light snowfall. Have a great weekend Patty!


  3. Now that’s a lovely winter window. xox


  4. Absolutely gorgeous texture and design. Love the woman looking behind the window. Super, Patti.
    Happy PPF ♥


  5. At first in the smaller picture I thought the lady looked somewhat sad, but then when I saw the larger image, it appears she is smiling with her eyes anticipating all the fun she will have in the snow and the inspiration it will bring to her art – she reminds me of you.


  6. The small branch above her head really finishes it off plus the heart.
    Give that man an A.


  7. Beautiful, beautiful textures and layering…


  8. I am in love with this beautiful canvas – absolutely stunning… !
    A happy weekend to you and Mr.Magpie!
    Thank you so much for linking this amazing pieces to Art Journal Journey dear Patty!



  9. Absolutely gorgeous, love the cold colours and the irresistible blue. Thanks so much for joining us again at Art Journal Journey, and happy PPF, hugs, Valerie


  10. This took my breath away it is so beautiful with the wonderful pale shades of winter and amazing textures.

    Thank you for another wonder for the Winter Wonderland

    Love Chrissie xx


  11. So sweet and the colors are amazing. Love the twig idea ♥ Thanks for sharing another beautiful piece,


  12. Exquisite!!! The twig and heart are wonderful finishing touches Patty! xxx


  13. Very beautiful, Patty. It has a beautiful wintry look. Seems that Mr Sym is also artistically bent because the twig perfectly balances it all. As for snow, some friends up your way had enough to build a snow tunnel and some huge blocks of snow like Eskimos used for igloos.


  14. Patty this captures everything that is beautiful about snow! You have evoked winter beauty brilliantly yet again! I love that image of the lady looking out of the window! I have always been drawn to images of windows: I really like the idea of peeping into another world. It also makes me wonder about the person gazing out and what their life might be like. The laciness and delicacy of this page is truly superb. it’s really gladdened my heart to look today. Your art is always uplifting! xx


  15. I’m inspired….and so was Jim, obviously.


  16. Beautiful art. The twig and heart are a nice touch!


  17. Oh Patty this is so beautiful… I love it.
    The elegant lady looking out, the textures, delicate lace and soft colours all work beautifully together. As for that ingenious addition of the twig… it just finishes it off perfectly.
    Happy PPF to you


  18. a perfectly gorgeous collaboration of like – minded creative individuals. Such a moving piece dear friend.


  19. Your paintings always have such a dreamlike quality. Adding the twig makes it even more special!


  20. Absolutely stunning. This looks wonderful and the lady at her window , looks like she loves the magic of winter.
    Yvonne xx


  21. This is such a beautiful piece. And your husband’s suggestion was perfect. I think she’s dreaming of springtime.


  22. The twig that your husband suggested was definitely the perfect finishing touch to your gorgeous creation. Thanks for the visit and blessings!


  23. This is wonderful and so inspirational as I dip my toe into mixed media. Thanks for sharing, really lovely piece.


  24. Winter dreams is just lovely, great textures and layers!!


  25. Gesso and a napkin made a nice background for this piece. Is that a doily you added? It is lovely. But adding the weather tree branch added just the right amount of symmetry to the delicate focal image. Mr. truly an inspiration to you, I can tell, and you knew exactly what to use to turn this from great to FABULOUS!


  26. You’ve captured beautifully the delicate colors of winter, and that twig just nails this!


  27. Adding the twig was a good idea, it finishes the piece. Lovely Patty!


  28. Wonderful image, I love it so much. I would hang it on my wall in a nice frame. The Lady looks so beautiful.
    Liebe Grüße und schönes Wochenende.
    Sabine xox


  29. Very beautiful! Happy PPF!


  30. This page is just delicious. Love it Patty.


  31. Love this. She appears to be peaking from a window–so Victorian. Great feel. xo


  32. It was a great start and just got better and better. Good suggestion, Mr. M.
    I do like the way the heart seems to be hanging from the twigs and the way you’ve created the window which looks so realistic with glass and the astragals.
    I like the patterned textured strips down the right side too. In fact I like everything about it, including your excellent photo of it.


  33. and a brilliant suggestion it was! xox


  34. Oh wow Patty – totally in love with your creation. Such fabulous texture – it really looks like she is “behind” the window. The branch is perfect… kudos to hubby! It is truly a SPECTACULARLY BEAUTIFUL winter scenario. j.


  35. Patty, this is you at the window, watching Mr. Magpie, clear the path to the door! At least this is what I see! Another beautiful spread! My my the winter inspires your muse so! I love it!! xoxo


  36. Oh my! stunning work Patty! Clever Mr Magpie too! Hugs, Chris


  37. Well all I can say is that your husband has excellent suggestions. Really quite lovely and I do like that image of the lady. Is is just me or did ladies back then look much prettier!?! Almost serene and all knowing ..
    sandy xx


  38. This is stunning. I love the added ‘3d’ features. They really make the composition. Happy PPF


  39. Beautiful, it’s captures winters essence perfectly! I especially love the little leaf hanging off the twig so sweetly! Wonderful completion!

    Hugs Giggles


  40. So pretty. A perfect tribute to winter.


  41. I have that image in my stash – somewhere! Always liked her, but haven’t used her in any of my projects as yet. Like the addition of the twig!


  42. wow so beautiful


  43. Wonderful page, love the colours and that beautiful image, and yes, that twig just fits perfectly!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts means a lot to me and I appreciate your visit very much oxo