Category Archives: Distress Mirror

tea and thee…

Needle Thread Cloth‘s August challenge is Tea Time Stem Stitch…

plastered linens mirror glass

I have been having lots of fun lately spreading plaster on linens and laces and distressing mirrors (thanks to special friends again and again)…

Needle Thread Cloth Tea and Thee

a bit of layering and machine stitching along with touches of hand embroidery (stem stitch and french knots) on vintage map and book papers (thank you Carmen Dyson)…

Needle Thread Cloth Tea and Thee (1)

you have all month to stretch your creative muscles and join in the fun over at Needle Thread Cloth

Tea and Thee Photofunia

“I carry you with me into the world, into the smell of rain & the words that dance between people & for me, it will always be this way, walking in the light, remembering being alive together.”   ~ Brian Andreas … StoryPeople