Art Helps Me Breathe

In a recent attempt to go through my art supplies…..I can only clean and not play for so long before I must make something :)… I always find so many goodies I forgot I had…..a cigar box sparked this wooden ATC chunky

Magpie's Nest Artist Trading Block

dress pattern tissue, book text, paint, gesso, gold  gouache,  white gel pen, a vellum sheet from the cigar box , cigar box paper strips, PW girl, stamps, velvet leaves and a piece of old jewelry (gel medium and UHU gluestick)

Patty Szymkowicz Art Helps Me Breathe

“Art Helps Me Breathe” is stamped on a real Ginkgo leaf from a most beautiful spot and grand old tree

if I had planned ahead, I would have turned the leaf so the crown was on the pointed end of the leaf which would have meant stamping it the other way….I just play….not much planning involved at all

“In art the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can inspire” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

*footnote – 4 April…Nathalie and Margaret have coined a new description for the wooden (chunky)  artist trading cards…..ATB  (Artist Trading Block)…..BRILLIANT….sooo I have added a new CATEGORY to by sidebar on the right = you clever gulls you*

20 responses to “Art Helps Me Breathe

  1. Ooooooo la la, this is gorgeous Patty, I love everything about it, and the pearl embelishment on top just finishes it off 🙂


  2. Your ATBs (Artist Trading Blocks) never cease to inspire me. But have I ever made one? Noooooooo! It’s enough to know that you still do! This one is LOVELY!


  3. Just fantastic, as usual, Patty!
    I must get my cigar boxes out! My OH used to smoke and I hoarded them to a point of obsession – but still haven’t used them!


  4. Beautiful.. and makes me think of how much art plays a part in giving us purpose sometimes. Really nice work and very inspiring.


  5. Hi Patty…your cigar box is beautiful! I love the gingko leaf you added. They are the most spectacular trees…just glorious! That grand old tree you visit is amazing and it looks huge. We planted two in our back yard about 12 years ago and they are 35-40′ tall now and I adore them.

    Your Paris in Springtime is so lovely too…just gorgeous!

    You are so right…art helps me breathe too! 😉


  6. absolutely FAB, love the colours
    joan in italy


  7. Such a beautiful piece of Art, great work


  8. I love the irony in breathing art as opposed to cigars 🙂

    Really fun piece!


  9. Absolutely perfect! You should be thrilled with this piece, Patty! I love it!


  10. CHARMING….such beautiful details. These blocks are such a wonderful canvas to work on! Beautiful again, Patty….


  11. hahahaha….we were visiting at the same time!
    Thanks for YOUR nice comments! 🙂 no joke….


  12. Patty this is truly amazing block. All details are perfect. Fantastic work.

    Have a wonderful weekend my friend.


  13. You are the ATB Queen Patty!! fabulous, such a great combination of colours and textures, so totally you! I also love the Emerson quote. Mx


  14. What a gorgeous Block!!


  15. Hi Patty!!! You’ve been busy creating some beautiful things!!!! I love all your new stuff! I need to get busy and do likewise, I’ve been working and goofing off too much! Marva


  16. Stunning! Love everything about this and the quote is perfect.


  17. Ohh a heart stone !
    I collect them to !
    Rini the Netherlands


  18. Pingback: index cards keep happening… | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

  19. Pingback: Second on the 2nd for April … | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

  20. love it Patty – always coming up with the right words! Its reminding me of our blocks from Andrea to alter…I think it’s on the calendar …off to check:)


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts means a lot to me and I appreciate your visit very much oxo