Gratitude for Thanksgiving and Always…

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.

It turns what we have into enough,

and more.

It turns denial into acceptance,

chaos to order,

confusion to clarity.

It can turn a meal into a feast,

a house into a home,

a stranger into a friend.

Gratitude makes sense of our past,

brings peace for today,

and creates a vision for tomorrow.” ~ Melody Beattie

wishing you days filled with gratitude and thanksgiving always…

I am very grateful for each of you OXO

*credit for the embroidered “Thankful” piece goes to The Cottage…not sure who created it exactly…all other photos are mine some framed with the help of Big Huge Labs*

34 responses to “Gratitude for Thanksgiving and Always…

  1. This is a wonderful, encouraging post! I love your last picture of the book page and those doors that open! Happy Thanksgiving.


  2. How beautiful your pictures are, dear Patty.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours


  3. Have a nice holiday surrounded with your loved ones, my friend. And know that I am dearly thankful to have you in my life.

    Warm pumpkin pie hugs,


  4. That is lovely, dear Patty. You put some beautiful things together to bring this to life. Melody used to live in the school district I worked.
    We are home tomorrow. It’s been beautiful and exhausting. Iver is still plugging along.


  5. Lovely thought so well illustrated with those beautiful images Patty


  6. I am thankful for our friendship! Beautiful post. I think on my blog I may just put “see Patty’s blog”!!! Happy Thanksgiving!


  7. J’aime beaucoup, que de douceur, nous nous arrêtons pour rêver un peu.


  8. What a wonderful post, with some beautiful images. You’re right – being grateful for the small things changes everything. Happy Thanksgiving from over the pond x


  9. Thanks for sharing the photos, your book pages looks wonderful.


  10. you´re so right, but sometimes we just need to remember …


  11. Lovely post– and how wonderful to see your sampler again!
    So many things to be thankful for. Thank YOU for the reminder!

    I am thankful for you, Patty, for your kindness and generosity of spirit.


  12. so true! lovely post Patty! Have a wonderful holiday,xoxo


  13. Grace lives here…lovely lady with gentle thoughts on gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving to a special artist who changes the world with her Art. Blessings to you and your family, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart


  14. Patty; what a beautiful post with lovely pictures and your words to accompany them. I, for one, am so very thankful for our connection and I wish you and yours a joyful, peaceful, and Happy Thanksgiving! xxoo Marilyn


  15. Hi sweetie,

    I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful day.
    Your thanks you page is brilliant. Wonderful details. A fest for my eyes. xoxo


  16. Every day we have so much to be thankful for.
    Your words and images present a very powerful message.

    Thanksgiving Blessings to you Patty and your family.


  17. What a beautiful Thanksgiving tribute. I give thanks today that I’m with some of my family and that I’ll always have you for a friend. I am grateful and thankful every day for so many blessings in my life . . . good friends, a wonderful family, a beautiful place to live, walks on the beach, gifts from the sea, a tolerable job that gives me the money to sustain my life, good health and a healthy, positive outlook on life. Life is indeed good. xoxox


  18. Yet another wonderfully crafted post, words and pictures match so seamlessly.
    Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving.



  19. Have a wonderful thanks giving. we all have many things to be thankful for ;0) xx


  20. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving,, Dear Patty!!!!


  21. I am Thankful to call you … Dear Friend!
    Have a lovely weekend.


  22. what a wonderful rich post!! happy thanksgiving to you… i am thankful to have friends in art like you are!!
    oxoxo, johanna


  23. Dear Sweet Patty,
    I don’t know where you get the time and energy and daily creative capacity to create all that you do and accomplish, but I am very grateful! A beautiful thanksgiving post you’ve given to us!! Here’s wishing you and your family a wonderful, happy, healthy and peaceful thanksgiving. I’m very grateful for our friendship! xo


  24. One of my favorite quotes. And that last journal page is fantastic! Hope that you and yours have a wonderful holiday weekend. Blessings, Tammy


  25. Dreamy post Patty, such beautiful photos and words. How lovely to see the sampler again,It reminded me of what a pleasure it was to work on! Mx


  26. What a lovely tribute. I’ve been away from my computer and didn’t see this till now. Your painted hand reminds me of mine when I’m at work. Happy belated Thanksgiving to you and your family from Bleubeard and me.


  27. Dear Patty, lovely pictures like always:))…and beautiful your book pages!!:))


  28. this is so beautiful! thank you for sharing these words and images. the one of the trees in the heart shape made me smile. thank YOU patty. wishing you and yours a wonderful weekend.


  29. Beautiful words as well as pictures. You have quite the talent for putting the two together.
    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.


  30. What a beautiful post Patty!
    ..and I’m thankful to have found such a creative soul like you in Blogland 🙂
    Jan x


  31. perfectly said ~ and envisioned.


  32. Happy Thanksgiving to you, dear friend! Hugs and I am certain your day was wonderful.


  33. So, so true. I’m grateful for the time we’ve spent together — miles apart, yet connected. thank you.


  34. Yet another wonderful post!! And I absolutely Love those last journalling pages, wow, they are absolutely gorgeous my friend. Love every little thing about them!!!
    hugs and smiles,
    And big thanks for you being you!!!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts means a lot to me and I appreciate your visit very much oxo