Neptune Tea

our traveling tea cup is on the road again…

this time it’s a little trip to Virginia Beach which is about a three hour drive for us…

our first evening here I found the perfect spot for the tea cup…

this 34 foot (10.36 meter) tall statue of King Neptune by our hotel is a marvel weighing in at 12.5 tons…

we seem to be drawn to it again

and again

like so many others

it has been a bit damp and chilly here…

no complaints tho as there is always fun to be had…

getting to sit down and have dinner with a dear blog friend Jan from Colorado certainly was a treat…

meeting face to face for the first time was like getting together with an old friend as we talked the night away…

so nice to get to say hello to sweet Terri too!

here’s hoping your T on Tuesday is full of fun

35 responses to “Neptune Tea

  1. What wonderful photos Patty – especially the first. Hope you had a lovely time x


  2. what wonderful sky shots…they wow me:) and that Neptune HUGE…it looks great there by the sea.


  3. Looks like such a wonderful time all around; beautiful photos and a lovely connection with a friend! xxoo


  4. The views are fantastic and the King Neptune statue is wonderful! Wow! You must have had a great time. Hope you have a nice Tuesday tea day!


  5. Neptune looks amazing and love your other shots…rthe place looks fantasticxxlynda enjoy your teaxx


  6. happy tea day, dear Patty, love the little star above the tea cup, what a sweet touch. looks like you had a great visit… and lucky you … meeting up with a blog buddy… xoxox


  7. Your tea cup travels to the BEST places. It’s great when you can be on the go and have as much fun as you have. I guess it says something about and for empty-nesters! I really enjoyed this trip and seeing a place I will probably never visit. Now I must get my tea post prepared and wish you a happy Tea today.


  8. So lovely and wonderful shots. Neptun is quite something … not sure yet what to make of him (lol)


  9. Love the King Neptune! And I’m sure he appreciated the hot tea! ha! Great pictures…… and so jealous of your blogger meeting. Our’s will happen eventually!


  10. How fun! Getting to meet up with a blog friend! That heart shaped waffle looked really yummy!


  11. King Neptune is very impressive! Your trip looks lovely as well as hooking up with kindred spirits…..that’s fabulous!


  12. beautiful beach pics Patty. I just returned from a few days in Fenwick Island, DE and all I can say is ANY day at the beach is a good day! I think it’s the only place I don’t even complain when it’s cold :):) And how nice that you were able to meet up with an online friend at the same time.
    LOVE the King Neptune statue-wow!


  13. What a fun Getaway for all of you and King Neptune is Over the Top! Love him! Your traveling teacup sure does get around. Love that too.


  14. No fair! You got to meet Jan! She is such a lovely lady! Now I know you and your travelling teacup are having a fantabulous time! Best wishes and blessings, Tammy


  15. Dear Patty, it haz been a wonderful tour, both staying on that wonderful spot, and also meeting up with friends-I can see you enjoyed it all, and thankyou for taking me to that special place.


  16. Wow – you are getting braver – appearing on camera!!LOL Neptune seems thrilled with your offer of tea!!! That is a very cool statue!!!


  17. may I please just come live inside your suitcase so I can score a random trip?! always looks like a good time when you go away! xo


  18. I thought I wrote earlier,
    That is you…WOW!
    Big hugs, pretty lady!


  19. Another wonderful getaway! It looks like you had nice weather too! I love the Neptune dude … he looks like he just came out of the ocean 🙂

    happy Tuesday!
    xoxo, kimmie


  20. The skies are so spectacular …you deserve these little trips to heaven …you give so much to us . Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart


  21. I LOVE the dramatic shot of your teacup on the statue. What an amazing sculpture!!! Drooling over that sunset photo.


  22. I love your idea Patty.
    Tea with neptun. Grandios.
    Have a lovely day sweetie. xoxo


  23. sounds perfectly wonderful! and what a big giant Neptune is! what a great octopus! he would be fun to draw…happy tea day! sorry i;m a little late…


  24. Fantastic statue, love all the sealife attached to him 🙂



  25. Hello, jolie tasse, beau gâteau, magnifique Neptune, belle rencontre. Que du bonheur.


  26. Isn’t Nepture lovely, so many things to find with him!


  27. Oh, there we are! We’re immortalized!!!!
    Words are small compared to the feeling in my heart after meeting you, dear Patty. A magical evening for sure. You and JJJ are beyond delightful….thank you for everything.

    Hope your time away is great and your driving adventure was fun! Let me know when you arrive home safely….I got home yesterday at 5pm. HAPPY to see hubby (as was he to see moi).



  28. What wonderful photos, dear Patty! Especially those of NEPTUNE 🙂
    Really great that you could arrange to meet Jan.
    Wish you and your husband a nice time.
    Hugs and luv


  29. I really do think that the Puerto Rico bureau of tourism should hire you! I’ve never much thought of going there till reading these posts! Isn’t it fun to meet your bloggies?!


  30. Oh how fun!!! The statue of Neptune is amazing! Thank you for taking pics so I can see it! We may have to head down to Virginia Beach some week. We haven’t even been to the ocean yet since we moved! And you got to meet up with Jan, how cool! You and hubby are so cute! Love the sunrise too!


  31. Wonderful post Patty, Neptune is fab! love all the things attached to him! How lovely to meet a blogging buddy! Gorgeous photos! Mx


  32. Wow…Neptune is awesome. All those sea creatures…..fantastic!
    What a special time you had… the photo of you and Mr Magpie 😉


  33. Wonderful post Patty, Fantastic pics!!…WOW at Neptune!! …and how lovely to catch up with a blogging buddy too! Jan x


  34. If I didn’t adore you, I would be jealous of the fact that you got to spend time with Terri H. 🙂 I am so glad for you both. xox Rella


  35. Pingback: canvas play… | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

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