rainy day tea…

thank you dear ones for your sweet messages while we were away…

my head is so full of adventures I would like to share with you…

it feels like we were gone for longer than a week…

for now on this lovely rainy day I am enjoying a cup of tea with a grateful heart for family and friends and feeling free…

~* Brightest of Blessings to you *~

26 responses to “rainy day tea…

  1. I’m so glad you are back. I missed you more than you can possibly imagine. It’s always fun to see what tea post you come up with. I’m so glad we are both still celebrating this fun day when we both share the same event, although you seem to have such fun adventures to share.


  2. I love these heads. Mine is sitting empty right now…. out in the elements. It’s hard to find something that lives well in it (here in Texas) in an unprotected area…… and mine is so heavy I can’t move it myself…. But I do love it with succulents in it…these are great! Beautiful photos…. and I’m glad you are home…


  3. Hello Patty,
    bientôt le récit de ces vacances, ce thé est magnifiquement représenté.


  4. Glad you are back and share with us your wonderful images …. it is very showery here today and a bit chilly. Autumn has truly arrived.


  5. Welcome back to the sweet sounds of rain while you take the time to reflect on what I hope was a magical time away. Love your photos- and that cute little bottle opener in the background is just my favorite!! I’m having tea with you now- so, please, help yourself to my dish of pastries! I must learn how you can put your name on the top of your photos like that! xo


  6. oh, yes, you were missed.
    I smiled when I saw your post as at the very same moment I was posting on my blog, too. about tea and friends. 🙂


  7. Welcome Back Patty. You have certainly been missed.
    Warmth, comfort and security is what emits from this stunning photograph.
    An Autumnal nip in the air although it is a bright day which is most welcome as our days can be very dreich (damp and dull).


  8. Welcome back Patty! 🙂 We sure missed you and Tea Tuesday~
    Glad to see you back, look forward to reading about your adventures (out in the world or in craftyland).


  9. Oh loving these flower pot heads ;0)
    Glad you had a good time and are back home safely xx


  10. Welcome back; hope your travels were wonderful. I look forward to reading about your time. Beautiful photos here! xxoo


  11. Welcome back my friend-it certainly did seem as tho you were gone longer than a week! LOVE your head planters!!


  12. Welcome home from your travels. Love your ladies hairdos.


  13. Welcome back Patty. When I was making pottery I made those heads with plants in them…among lother things.


  14. I love those photos and that head full of Aloe is just great! and I spy some stacked stones in the corner 😉
    makes me want to drag up a chair and sit for awhile and listen to your stories. Glad you had a great time!


  15. OH Patty, that place for drinking a cup of tea, looks so very cosy,and wonderful.-the heads are fantastic,and love the little white pumpkins. It succeded for me to grow a few myself!
    Lovely to have you back!


  16. What pretty planters Patty. Hope your trip was wonderful and look forward to hearing about it and of course seeing your great pictures! Enjoy! Take care and see you soon. xoxo


  17. Love those planters!


  18. Patty, I hope you had a good trip and that your day was peaceful. The planters are beautiful. Take care!


  19. The patina on those heads, whether faux or not, is gorgeous. I wish you could send some of that rain this way. Hope it was a lovely day…


  20. You always deliver with such a beautiful display and tone of the day! Love your heads, and your style, and so glad to know you had a wonderful trip!


  21. How nice to have had a little getaway! I look forward to seeing your pictures …. And hearing about your adventure!


  22. Dear Patty
    Ooo I love those two beautiful heads, what treasures.
    The light from the candle brings it all alive – what a lucky little teacup!
    I can’t wait to hear about your latest adventure.
    Brightest of blessings to you too dear Patty.
    warm hugs


  23. halll liebe Patty,

    mir geht es gut 🙂 hab leider zu viel gearbeitet und denke mal bald soll es besser werden.

    liebe grüße
    Sanja xox


  24. very cool planters!! and i love your mermaid bottle opener ?


  25. I just love this cozy vignette! and that taller planter is for sale at my local nursery and I’ve been coveting it for quite some time! maybe I’ll ask for it for Christmas! hope you are well Patty. happy weekend, xo


  26. that planter just dazzles! I need to scout around, see if I can find something similar here — it has a ton of possibilities, doesn’t it? This looks so warm and inviting. Very tea!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts here...it means a lot to me and I appreciate your visit very much oxo