Category Archives: München … Munich

…with a little help from my friends

still in a bit of limbo with the healing of my second eye as it got scratched in surgery and is taking extra time to mend…

I am relearning how to see in new ways as most of my life I have not needed glasses for close up and now I am struggling to see things close up…

take a peek here to see how friends like Jean are cleverly coping with vision issues and doing fantastic detailed work…

all anyone told me about cataract surgery is how wonderful it would be and there would be LOTS of eye drops…

 a lot of my life revolves around details with close up and personal views of things…

maybe I am being hasty (and a little impatient) since my final eye exam won’t be until mid June…

I AM enjoying the brighter distance vision very much and not needing glasses for far away…

all that said it was high time to get busy and PLAY however I could manage to make that happen…

sparked by the generous Retro Cafe Art Gallery FREEBIE collage sheet along with their challenge of using the collage sheet to create something in any medium by 1 June…

there is even a generous prize with a chance to win a $25 Retro Art Cafe Gift Certificate …

with thanks to my talented and sweet art and collage sister in Poland for suggesting recently that I needed to collage this childhood image of me…

Mr Magpie was able to print it from a strip of negatives rescued from my parents home…

what a fun surprise just before Mother’s Day…

if we can get that scanner feature to work again who knows what other photos my father took…

thank you also to the always thoughtful and generous Pat for sending this old day book to me (each page measures 8 x 10 inches … 20.32 x 25.4 cm) perfect as a new art journal…

one of the reasons Pat shared the day book with me was because of the quotes scattered through it…

I am thinking this new art journal will be a fun place to reconnect with my inner child…

thank you to all of my friends for always encouraging and supporting me OXOXO