13 January 1999

this day

….. always a little harder than all the rest …..

….. the day our world crashed …..

…..  forever changed …..


we miss you Alex

….. our precious blue eyed boy …..

….. forever young …..

..it is written.….



by Connie F. Kiefer Byrd

“To honor you, I get up every day and take a breath and start another day without you in it

To honor you, I laugh and Love with those who knew your smile and the way your eyes twinkled with mischief and secret knowledge

To honor you, I take the time to appreciate everyone I Love,  I know now there is no guarantee of days or hours spent in their presence

To honor you, I listen to music you would have liked, And sing at the top of my lungs, with the windows rolled down

To honor you, I take chances, say what I feel, hold nothing back, risk making a fool of myself, dance every dance

You were my light, my heart, my gift of Love, from the very highest source.

So everyday, I vow to make a difference, share a smile, live, laugh and Love.

Now I live for us both, so all I do, I do to honor you”

written by Connie F. Kiefer Byrd for her son

In Loving Memory of Jordan Alexander Kiefer 8/24/88 – 12/13/05

20 responses to “13 January 1999

  1. Heartfelt hugs, Patty. I had no idea.


  2. Thinking of you Patty, positive thoughts and big hugs to you all Mxo


  3. Thinking of you, dear Patty and your Loved Ones, with Great Love and prayers on this day. What a truly lovely tribute to Alex.


  4. Dear Patty, since I just met you, I did not know…my heart and prayers are with you…wishing you strength and faith…..


  5. Awww, Patty, words seem so inadequate and void of comfort…your Alex was beautiful. My heart hurts for you. May the comfort of sweet memories be yours today. oxo


  6. ooo I am sending you waves of warmth and hugs full of caring…You made a beautiful tribute post, and I am soooo sorry for your loss…I’ll be thinking of you today…



  7. Patty, my thoughts and prayers are with you today! We almost lost our oldest who is a year older than your Alex would have been. I can only imagine what you must have gone through. Much love and many hugs.


  8. Patty I´m thinking of you.
    Heartfeld hugs and this is a wonderful tribute to Alex.



  9. Dear Patty – I’m thinking of you (and have been since your candle in the window post). Your loss is one I’m not sure I would survive. I tell my girls I would cry and never stop if anything ever happened to them. And in your crying and never stopping – I see a hope and a joy – like a flame in the night. Thank you for sharing it with us …..
    Hugs hugs hugs, Kimmie


  10. Patty,
    I’m thinking of you on this day, and like Kimmie, often since your candle in the window post.

    I wanted to let you I hold you close to my heart.


  11. Patty, what a beautiful tribute to your son. i am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful son and will be thinking of you today.big hugs to you… jenxo


  12. Dear Patty and Family, You are all in my prayers tonight…. Patty, you honor your son every single day with the love and the beauty you pour into your art ….and you bless each one of us with your willingness to share it all. May you find comfort in the special memories of Alex in happier times. hugs, Janet


  13. Patty, my heart goes out to you and your family on this sad day of remembrance. Your beautiful arch is a wonderful tribute to Alex.
    Love and prayers,


  14. The beautiful song and poem inspired me to take a moment to be grateful for all the good things. Thank you for sharing this with us.


  15. I didn’t know, Patty–I’m so very sorry. I will keep you all in my prayers. Hugs and more hugs, Jann


  16. i have no words, just warmth and light. peace is a destination and light is the way to arrive. a mother’s love is for then, for now, and forever, no matter what form the spirit has assumed. Peace, love and light to you, my dear friend, and I encircle you with pink light of universal protection. You are at one with the Universe, and Alex is your guide…he leads and guards. Love, Lanise


  17. Dear Patty, I am so sorry for your pain, I don’t know you well but I can still send you warm healing hugs and love.


  18. Sending you hugs, and I hope, in a small way, your art heals………………………


  19. I’m so sorry I missed this post until now. I cannot even begin to imagine how painful it is for you, but just reading your words and listening to this song bring tears to my eyes. I send you love and wishes for sweet peace and deep healing.


  20. Pingback: thoughtful silence… | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

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