…with a little help from my friends

still in a bit of limbo with the healing of my second eye as it got scratched in surgery and is taking extra time to mend…

I am relearning how to see in new ways as most of my life I have not needed glasses for close up and now I am struggling to see things close up…

take a peek here to see how friends like Jean are cleverly coping with vision issues and doing fantastic detailed work…

all anyone told me about cataract surgery is how wonderful it would be and there would be LOTS of eye drops…

 a lot of my life revolves around details with close up and personal views of things…

maybe I am being hasty (and a little impatient) since my final eye exam won’t be until mid June…

I AM enjoying the brighter distance vision very much and not needing glasses for far away…

all that said it was high time to get busy and PLAY however I could manage to make that happen…

sparked by the generous Retro Cafe Art Gallery FREEBIE collage sheet along with their challenge of using the collage sheet to create something in any medium by 1 June…

there is even a generous prize with a chance to win a $25 Retro Art Cafe Gift Certificate …

with thanks to my talented and sweet art and collage sister in Poland for suggesting recently that I needed to collage this childhood image of me…

Mr Magpie was able to print it from a strip of negatives rescued from my parents home…

what a fun surprise just before Mother’s Day…

if we can get that scanner feature to work again who knows what other photos my father took…

thank you also to the always thoughtful and generous Pat for sending this old day book to me (each page measures 8 x 10 inches … 20.32 x 25.4 cm) perfect as a new art journal…

one of the reasons Pat shared the day book with me was because of the quotes scattered through it…

I am thinking this new art journal will be a fun place to reconnect with my inner child…

thank you to all of my friends for always encouraging and supporting me OXOXO

39 responses to “…with a little help from my friends

  1. Sorry to hear that the surgery had a little complication. Must be frustrating. You managed to create a wonderful page none the less!! What a fun picture!!


  2. Apathy, sometimes a change in the way we SEE leads to a change in the way we DO, so perhaps it is all serendipity (despite the obvious” irritations”
    !) art is so subjective…can you just BE where u are and even have a frisson of that which irritates have a place in your beautiful art? My guess is you’re feeling a bit of ‘edge’ by the end of the day…..ART IT!!!!!!!


  3. I never typed the word ‘apathy’…computer did it…I typed, ‘Patty’….Egad…


  4. I’ve been so disconnected, for so long, I did not realize you’ve had cataract surgery. I wish you speedy healing and recovery; sorry about the glitch and hope it will be resolved quickly for you. Love, love, love seeing the collage with YOU in it! Absolutely fantastic – thanks so much for sharing this and bringing a wide smile to my face. xxoo


  5. Hope that your eye continues to heal dear Patty… your journal page is magical… I just love the gorgeous childhood photo of you… and your day book is tremendous… what a special place to journal in…

    Sending healing hugs…
    Jenny x


  6. What gorgeousness! Love the image and texture. How fun to have negatives from your parents. I hope you find a few wonderful surprises hidden in those photos. Beautiful and inspiring as always, Patty.


  7. Your journal pages are wonderful Patty. Such detail and texture really draws you in and such a sweet picture. So glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. Take care. xoxo


  8. Wonderful pages, dear Patty. All the best wishes to your health.
    Gute Besserung


  9. Gorgeous pages Patty, such beautiful colours and texture. I hope you’re feeling better soon Mx


  10. Wonderful pages, so beautiful in their details – colours and texture. Wishing you all the best and a very speedy recovery.


  11. Our friend had the exact surgery you had done and just wears ‘cheaters’ now to see up close. But he can see far away….like an eagle!!
    Oh, I do love your childhood photo that Mr Magpie rescued. And the new journal pages show you off nicely!!!
    Hmmm, should head to Retro Art Cafe and see what’s happening. My artistic muse has been replaced by gardening and genealogy of late. Although the gardens are now in order and look quite fine….so mayhaps a little art play would be in my future!
    Ta ta for now, you little devil.


  12. Don´t give up, I´m pretty sure your eyes will be better soon – so good to see you playing again!


  13. I so love the collage you created with your childhood photo Patty, what a cutie pie you were. I am sure you still are too 🙂
    I don’t know much about cataract surgery, just hope I never need it, I have a squeamish thing about anyone touching my eyes. I wear glasses for distance and now for reading too. I need those glasses you can buy for magnifying things to do close up work too. It’s a bit annoying, but that’s the way it is. I hope you continue to see better sweetie, have a great weekend.


  14. oh, my… I’m feeling so proud that I inspired you to create something so gorgeous… the photo itself is just perfect but you enhanced it so beautifully – I love the colors and the whole atmosphere here.
    sending you my very best wishes. always. take care, sweet Patty!


  15. take your time to heal, it will happen. lovely pages.


  16. Patty, I’m so glad to hear that you’re on the mend! I love your collage and giggle every time I look at your childhood picture….SO authentic! Continue on your journey….it will be rewarding!


  17. I had so hoped that you would soon be able to see everything clearly and all would be over. I hope that you will soon be better. Patience is not one of my strong suits no matter how much teaching has been done for me to learn :). Good luck and glad to see these new projects you have in the works.


  18. Be patient Patty. All WILL be fine in due course. I’m amazed that you are blogging at all… perhaps you shouldn’t be? Love seeing you on my reading list tho’… but take care please.


  19. So sorry to hear about your surgery! I hope healing will happen soon for you! Love your pretty project!


  20. Oh it is precious Patty -that photo of you,–how wonderful to have such pieces in your position.and being able to use it in this wonderful collage pages, in your new, old day-book.
    And dear I wish for you patience and quick healing with your eye,my dear.
    Hugs and blessings,Dorthe


  21. Patty Dear, Let’s just say that suddenly you receive a surplus of patience. I would then kindly ask for you to share said surplus with moi!!!! But seriously, waiting for something as precious as our eyesight to heal must be a real challenge. Finding a negative as precious as that photo had to be such a thrill. Adorable. Such a testimony to how early those sassy genes display themselves. ha ha ha! Here’s to a full and excellent recovery…xo, Sue


  22. I am hoping your vision is soooooooooo perfect that you can do everything your heart desires very, very soon! I pray you can felt without sticking yourself….. hee hee… and make more of those luscious journals!!! Have patience… I know you do….


  23. LOVE!! soo soo soo happy that you were able to manage this! i bet it feels good! your pages are so fun & beautiful & full of whimsey with your little girl self…adorable! sending healing waves over the internet, dear patty 🙂


  24. Sending prayers for the healing of your eye. I LOVE that pic of you as a young un’ and am so glad you shared it- shows the playfulness of your spirit. (along with the kind and elegant spirit we all have come to love too!)


  25. You poor dear! I wish the second surgery had gone as well as the first. Hopefully by June 1, things will be even brighter. Right now I’m just in AWE of all you are making. That photo of you is adorable. Of course the way you collaged it is so great. I think it should win a prize. Thank you SO much for sharing it with us.

    I had forgotten that my scanner will read negatives. I really MUST dig out some of my old negatives. They would be a hoot to work with. Have a bright and happy weekend, and don’t strain those eyes, dear friend.


  26. It’s gorgeous! I wish you all the best with recovering xoxo


  27. stempelchaotin

    Oh sweetie I hope you feeling better and better in the next days.
    Love your amazing pages. A fest for my eyes. I love them.

    Have a lovely weekend and I wish you a speed recovery. xoxo


  28. Oh Patty, I didn`t know that you are having problems with your eyes and I wish you a speedy recovery. From my mother I know that you need a lot more patience after a cataract operation. But I’m sure everything will be all right soon.
    By the way, your page is great. I love this!
    Have a nice weekend my dear.
    Hugs MARTINA oxo


  29. Hi Patty, you definitely need to give your eyes time to heal and this one may take a little longer because of the scratch. I’ve had bad eyesight since middle school that has gotten progressively worse and now the need for reading glasses. I stopped doing cross-stitching because I can’t see the 14-count material but then thanks to a friend discovered 8 count which has very big holes and I can use a big needle and yarn to stitch with. It’s okay for small patterns. But if I want to do anything else, I must wear reading glasses with my contacts. But switching from close up to far away gives me a headache. Love that picture of you. Great art journaling. Best wishes, Tammy


  30. Hoping you recover soon and that your exam in June brings positive news!


  31. I’m sorry your eye got scratched during your cataract surgery and hope it heals up real soon and you can see near and far. I love the devilish photo of you as a little girl. I wondered why I’d never seen it before, and now I know it was only recently discovered. Muah!


  32. beautiful collage Patty! hope your eye will heal up real soon!


  33. Well Patty my Dear, So sorry you are having a bad time with your eye. Time will fly and you will be in fine eye sight again.
    That picture of mini you is so cute and love what you did with it.
    Have a fabulous weekend.


  34. marmeladegypsy

    What a wonderful post. I’ve been thinking a lot about art as therapy for grieving as we mourn our sweet little Gypsy. I don’t know what form my therapy will take — but I know it will be special. Wishing YOU healing.


  35. Hey Patty! So glad to see you’re back! I love your pages! And I totally love the photo of you when you were little! That is so fun! I need to get all my pics off my other computer onto this one!


  36. Carmen Dyson

    Safe healing. I’ve been off so long I didn’t know. Love your blog, the best.


  37. I just know you will hear good news in June! Love the collage of ‘little’ you. I can definitely see your boys in that picture. 🙂 All the best! xoxo


  38. Patty, I’ve been dreading cataract surgery for many years (I’m now 72) because, when they put in the new lens, it gives you normal 20-20 vision; no longer are you “near-sighted,” My work also involves extremely close detail, and I’ve loved that my eyes are better than normal when I look very closely. One of these days, I’ll no longer be able to forestall the inevitable, and I’ll be looking for magnifiers, too, Someone told me the doc can put in a lens that would mimic your old ones, but I guess I’m ready to go to the normal vision. Still, your frustration gives me pause. Getting older is definitely not for sissies, just like Bette said!


  39. Pingback: Art Helps Me Breathe … | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

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