what do you see…girls with parasols…

time for my first reveal in the Queen Bee 5 “what do you see” swap…

I have a thing for paper parasols…large and small…

what fun to see that Nathalie included one along with the other lovely Asian bits that she sent for our swap for her…

the big challenge here was working on a four inch round (10.16 cm) coaster with nothing hanging off the edges per Nathalie’s wishes…

I do enjoy collage…the red coaster was so nice it was hard to cover it all up…I added some sparkly fabric from my stash (thank you sweet Jean) along with the metal dangle and some collage pieces that Nathalie sent…including a piece of the turquoise parasol…

I decorated both sides using a favorite image of mine on this side of three young girls with parasols…

the last touch was adding



in Japanese…

you can see my coaster for Nathalie  here … she shows the box the coasters will be stored in when they all return to her too

26 responses to “what do you see…girls with parasols…

  1. You just reminded me how fantastic your Asian creations ARE! I haven’t seen them in a while and so love them. You inspire me to go find my Asian catalogue and create another page in one of my journals. Hugs to you, my friend.


  2. Marilyn Rock

    Oh; I love your Asian collage Patty! Gorgeous! xxoo


  3. Beautiful job, Patty! I just love the Asian motif – the colors and the vintage feel of the photographs! I’m sure Nathalie will be very pleased! xo Karen


  4. This was such a fun challenging challenge!! Natalies coaster looks fab! Love hwat you’ve done! My parasol is a different colour, I swapped it for one of my own hee hee. Mxx


  5. Wow, a very beautiful collage, dear Patty


  6. What a terrific collage,thats a challange when it’s that small.
    Nice job ! Hugs, Amy


  7. Amy McDonald

    I Love the coasters. You did a superduper job.
    I’ve got a huge stack of those coasters (I cannot sanely explain why) and have been altering them here and there. None of mine look that cool and I am sure Nathalie is super happy thrilled with it.


  8. Wow, You do Asian so well Patty , I treasure the lil asian matchbox that you created for me 🙂
    …and what a wonderful swap to be involved in, you are all sooo creative!
    Jan x


  9. Aaahhh…. she put’s it all in a ‘Brie’ box!!! Awesome idea… I forgot to look if she’s from Europe but I guess so, you can buy those boxes here (it contains yummie french cheese!) I might buy me one, my beloved won’t mind (he loves brie!) and I keep the box. Your parasol girls are beyond gorgeous Patty! The colourcombo completely fits with the image, the whole circle page is fabulous!


  10. A coaster swap…what a great idea!! Your Asian theme one is lovely – it would be a shame to actually USE it though!!


  11. Love your Asian style here! Your work is a fabulous addition! Love that row of ladies and 1, 2, 3 in Japanese, reminds me of my days in Ju-Jitsu. 🙂


  12. The perfect images for this lovely coaster. It’s hard to tell which is the front and which is the back, but I sure love the Asian you added to Nathalie’s coaster. It sounds like she loves it, too.


  13. Patty,
    Love them! I love Asian work and especially love how you picked up the roundness of the parasols with the turquoise and yellow rings. Both sides are so interesting.


  14. So sweet, especially the three girls on the back, which made me think you were listening to The Mikado,” specifically, Three Little Maids from School Are We.”
    Watch it here:


  15. These are absolutely delightful to see….the collages are beautiful, PAtty..
    hugs, steph


  16. beautiful! very cool coasters!xo


  17. Patty, your coasters are fantastic.


  18. Awesome job! I love working “in the round”.
    PS…I finally posted about your wonderful tip-ins. Sorry it took so long.


  19. I love your paper parasols, I click on the link to your other post. What a wonderful swap. The collages turned out gorgeous. I love the large paper parasols, they always remind me of when I was little and my father bought me one.


  20. Adore your paper parasols and the collages you made. The working in rounds worked so well with your designs.


  21. What a wonderful idea for a swap!
    Parasols are not just for cute libations anymore, either!
    You Queen Bees are amazingly talented. What dear friends.



  22. Oh, I LOVE what you did on yours (and now I have Linda’s and Margaret’s too!) I’m also going to see about imbedding the “Three Little Maids From School” video. So clever of Deana to find it.


  23. oh lovely work Patty, this is such a fun swap…


  24. Pingback: what do you see…hoop la la | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

  25. Pingback: last of “what do u see” … for now … | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

  26. Wow, these are awesome. Just found a bunch of stuff you made that I love and here I thought I had viewed all youar posts. I love asia and India inspired art. You have done beautiful work as always!


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