Lily of the Valley Tea…

our “May Bells” are blooming…

one of the distinct pleasures of having a garden is the arrival of plants that only do their thing once a year…

I have sweet memories of when I was a girl living in Germany…

we would take Sunday drives out into the countryside…

once we saw ladies coming out of the forest with big bunches of Maiglöckchen

my Mutti had stories to share about that…

Earl Grey tea tastes especially good in the pretty tea cup we inherited from Mr Magpie’s sweet mother…

it is one of a couple that we got from her beautiful collection…

and we treasure it…

here’s wishing you a Happy last Tea on Tuesday for this month of April…

*footnote for Thursday…I am also joining in Tea Cup Tuesday over at Terri’s Artful Affirmations

28 responses to “Lily of the Valley Tea…

  1. What a gorgeous cup!!! You are blessed to have that! And are all those flowers growing in your garden? They are beautiful!


  2. Thank you for bringing back fond memories for me as well. I used to look forward to those lovely little “May Bells” in my garden every spring. Lovely!


  3. A very beautiful post dear ,and so beautiful photoes-Love Lily of the Vally and their smell.
    Such cosy tea table.-and lovely cup.


  4. Dearest Patty…thanks fo sharing that beautiful cup with us….such an awesome treasure from family……love the Lily of the valley…one of my Mom’s favorite…many thanks…JUDY


  5. Happy Lily of the Valley Tea Day to all of you ladies out there! I can almost smell that sweet, sweet fragrance here at my computer. What fond memories it brings to mind.


  6. Our Lily of the Valley aren’t up yet… they are just begining to poke through. Lovely, lovely photos 🙂


  7. I really miss Lily of the Valley…just can’t grow them in our desert. It’s the end of April and temps have already climbed to 100! I had no idea there was a pink species! Your photos are lovely, dear Patty, and the precious teacup from your dear mil has such a charming shape! Thank you for sharing and have a beautiful week!


  8. Lily of the Valley are my favorite flower (but don’t tell that to all the other flowers who think they are my favorite!) … I wish I could bottle up the fragrance to enjoy all year long!

    Is it already the last Tuesday of April? My how time is flying!!!


  9. A gorgeous teacup Patty… and the photos are beautiful. It is autumn here and the crocus are blooming….. but I love the spring.


  10. Wonderful pictures – as always, dear Patty.
    I love Maiglöckchen


  11. what a beautiful tea day, lilies are my favorites! xox


  12. Oh Lily of the Valley! That is May’s flower. I wish I had taken some of mine from our old house. I had them and “snow-on-the-mountain” growing in the shade of that garage.
    Love the cup as well!


  13. I know the flowers as ‘lelietjes-van-dalen’ and I love them! The teacup is wonderful too – enjoy your tea dear one!


  14. These are just beautiful photos… there are a few that I a itching to draw,… I hope you find the time to sit and draw them… beautiful post…xx


  15. First, I want to thank you for the lovely recyclable birthday card. It is gorgeous. When I got home this evening, I found it in my mailbox. It was just in time to show it on my blog tonight.

    Second, I’m sorry I’m so late getting here. I love lily of the valley and you are right about them blooming only once a year. I haven’t seen any this year at my place, but I love the vignette you have created using those three bottles, as well as the gorgeous cup that matches the flowers. Simply stunning and beautiful up close and personal photos.


  16. What a lovely teacup!!! I have always loved lily of the valley. I used to have some in my garden, but since acquiring a tiller a few years back, my son applied too much enthusiasm…so I know what we’ll be planting later this year! But you always create such stunning displays for your teacups…your blog is always total eye candy!


  17. stempelchaotin

    Oh I love Maiglöckchen sweet Patty.
    Wonderful tea inspiration. Love all the wonderful photos. xoxo


  18. This tea cup is enchanting, Patty. I have always loved these flowers and their sweet fragrance. Thanks for this wonderful post!
    Happy Spring!
    Gaby xo


  19. Muguet was the only fragrance I could wear…when I wore a scent.
    Lovely post and images…thanks for lifting my heart today,dear Patty.


  20. Hi Patty…just found some time to catch up on my favourite blogs!!I ….can’t believe I’ve missed commenting on so many posts?! First of all…gorgeous lovely pics!!…But I must say I LOVE LOVE LOVE the arty things you have been up too…your creative altered pages,stunning angels,fab felting, grandmas photo zine…wow you have been busy!!…what more can I say! It’s been a treat!!.
    Jan x


  21. Bonjour Chère Patty, quelles belles photos et quel bel hommage à ces si jolies clochettes au parfum enivrant. J’avoue que la tasse est une vraie merveille, quel bonheur de boire le thé dans un si joli objet.


  22. Wonderful photos. I love tea and I love Maiglöckchen 🙂


  23. What a beautiful post Patty, your May Bells are the prettiest flowers and I bet your tea did taste extra nice being sipped from that beautiful matching cup. Your photos are amazing. xx


  24. Diane Colson

    Love your Tea on Tuesday posts! I caught a wedding bouquet of lily’s of the valley in Germany when I was a teenager. The fragrance of so many of them together led me to my love of them today.


  25. Lily of the valley was my grandmother’s favorite (flower and scent). I don’t know anyone here locally that grows them , so I especially appreciate your post!


  26. Your post is so lovely. The tea cup is so pert and pretty! Lily of the Valley is one of my favorite flowers. One I rarely get to see anymore. As a child we used to have it around the house and I loved spring time to see them bloom as well as the wild violets in the grass. Your cup beautifully shows off this heavenly bloom.
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful post.


  27. Pretty, pretty set! I think Lily of the Valley are my all time favourites–although I love all that grows in the garden 🙂
    I’ve painted some of these on stones and they are so delicate, the scent is so intoxicating 🙂 Love your photography!


  28. the green of the maiglöckchen is already there, now i hope to see some bells soon (if they are not stepped down at a garden bbq before;)) their smell is so wonderful… love your teacups, great pictures!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts means a lot to me and I appreciate your visit very much oxo