Quirky Dutch Summer #3

Marit’s challenge and inspiration last week was all about “Word Play/Met woorden spelen” …

time seems to be moving at warp speed and I am one week behind…

found poetry is something I really enjoy and it is always surprising how words will pop off the page and find you…

a favorite book to use is Simple Abundance but this time I copied pages from Mists of Avalon which is a great escape book and fabulous read…

to find the words for my altered poems I let my eyes float across the lines of the page noticing which words pop out at me not trying too hard at all to make it happen…

I circle any words that interest me and then see how they flow together…

here are a couple of examples from two different pages…

“my old friend wakes and cries in the night

she had come this way


forgetting face

and lips

and faded hair”

and another …

“cloak wrapped tight

the messenger captured her memory

her bones

her eyes

concealed within that veil

the answer

hidden in the unyielding sky”…

back in the fall of 2009 I was lucky enough to take some super on line classes with Julie Prichard (which she still offers btw)

that is how long these blue monoprint pages have been waiting for me…

kinda felt like they were too nice to cover up…

my art cave was calling me today especially with it being crazy three digit hot outside so I got busy…

 the dramatic feel of my found words really inspired me…

along with the perfect piece of pretty golden sari ribbon and other golden bits

having background pages ready certainly helped move along my creative process…

you can click here if you would like to see other pages in this art journal

*sorry I do not know who to give credit to for the lady image*

34 responses to “Quirky Dutch Summer #3

  1. Your pages are sooooooo very beautiful, I love the images, the words and almost the colours. Thank you for sharing, dear Patty


  2. Holy cow. I’m in LOVE. Those pages just jumped out at me. The colors are beyond gorgeous. What are the pencils? Are they something special, oil, or ??? Curious minds want to know. And I feel for you. We’ve had triple digits for nine days in a row. I really should be used to this by now. I would think it would be too hot to work in your art cave. Or did you crank the AC to its lowest setting (grin)?


  3. Thank you all very much!
    Elizabeth, I am really pleased with these pages too, thank you.
    It was Marilyn Rock that introduced me to the Stabilo Woody “Pencils”
    a great product

    Not sure one ever gets used to the heat…sorry you are roasting too!
    My art cave is upstairs and it IS a lot warmer up there, but still LOTS cooler than outdoors…I do like summer just not the brutal extreme heat…dressing light and barefoot 🙂
    Stay Cool!


  4. Patty, I also feeel so fortunate when finding an old creation I can use as a start on something totally new!
    Your blue paper print is a stunning background for your collaged items in golden tones, and the poems are wonderful perfect here.
    I have rain and still grey skyes- could we make an exchange please ? 🙂
    HUGS from me.


  5. fabulous… I love it Patty!


  6. Excellent idea, and choice of phrases. They work wonderfully well on your pages.


  7. Stabilo Woody Pencils…..that’s a new one on me. See, this blogging thing helps us learn new tricks of the trade!
    Lovely pages, Patty. I like the addition of the sari pieces…the colors are quite lovely and contrast nicely with that yummy blue monopage.
    Cool here….come on over. It’s only 65 outside (although there IS a storm brewing) but at least I’m not melting.


  8. I am astounded my the fact that you can lay out what you’ll be using for a page before creating it and still come up with a fantastic page. I could never do that. Must be my ADD again. I may have a clue where I’m going but the journey there is pretty random. 🙂


  9. briliiant !!!! and love these pages, Patty!!!! ohh so inspiring!!


  10. These pages are stunning – I love the blue monoprint with the neutral browns – beautiful work


  11. i love how words pop out at you or phrases too,,,,gorgeous pages patty, the weather sounds dreadful with all that humididty….keep ccol…


  12. Love these, Patty!


  13. Oh my Patty these a just lovely. You just have a calling to do journals.
    Fabulous job.


  14. beautiful pages Patty – I LOVE the blue with the golden accents!
    Your found poetry is amazing! that’s so much fun to do 🙂


  15. bellissima, Patty!

    It was a pity to cover that background but now more is more precious than before. And I love the mixed poems!

    happy Sunday to you .-)


  16. what a beautiful background!! love it!


  17. stempelchaotin

    Sweetei day by day a wonderful work from you.
    This is again devine. Love them.

    Have a fantastic sunday sweetie.


  18. Ohhh, the mists of Avalon – I was so inspired by that book! I read it last year (end of March 2011 to be exact, I posted about it here http://www.maritspaperworld.com/blog/?p=1380 ) It is a great book to find poetry, and your poem is gorgeous! Dramatic indeed, I love that. The background and pages totally fit with that feeling, fabulous!


  19. Hello Patty,
    I am loving your found poetry project! The poetry and your page interpretation is so gorgeous! Those vibrant colors work so well with your theme.
    Thank you for reminding me about found poetry, I haven’t done any in a long while, and thank you for rekindling my desire to re read the Mists of Avalon…..


  20. this is fabulous! I love the rich blue background too!


  21. Wow, that’s a breathtaking project with wonderful details.


  22. http://dezinaworld-junesartyretreat.blogspot.co.uk/

    This is so stunning, love the richness, the texture and the composition
    hugs June x


  23. Love the found poetry! I used to do it with those little frig magnet words! I may just have to try you way!


  24. Magnifique travail, belles couleurs, les mots sont beaux. Bravo.


  25. I really like how you let the words find you, and what you have done with your journal pages Patty 🙂


  26. I’m so jealous! You are getting so much done! These are so inspiring, Patty! Love em!!! (as always)


  27. I am behind with these to but such wonderful challenges. I love the poems you ended up creating how fab! wonderful creations both and I love the journal page as always, the background is lovely but I do really like the contrasting colour you have chosen it all really comes together beautifully. Love Dawn xx


  28. I love all blue colors and turquoise so much, cause your pages are magnificent for me with the deep blue. Your background texture is amazing, love all details you used and combined so brilliant!
    xox Anja


  29. Gorgeous dear Patty-you really are creating a storm lately! I just mentioned to a fellow blogger how I love making found poetry-a favorite way to create a quick poem-and fun too!


  30. i love what you did with that blue spread… well, some things have to wait for their hour to come – and it was worth waiting, definitely!


  31. Stunning pages patty, love the background colour, so you! and the combo with the yellows works wonderfullyl, superb. Mx


  32. Pingback: STRETCH in 2013 … | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

  33. Pingback: she had come this way… | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

  34. i started off on your latest post and ended up here! what an interesting concept and exercise in letting the words and poem find you and each other. you’re always introducing me to new ways of doing things, Patty.. thanks for that! and happy new year!


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