our “traveled” tea cup…

making my way back into blogland I am eager to find out what you all have been up to…

Day 2 Stonehenge and the traveling tea cup

so much can happen in a day

Virgin Atlantic over the UK

on our overnight flight to London I had a crown pop off with a breakfast muffin (ACK!!!)…

St Pancras Station London

so one of the first people I got to meet after the kind and helpful hotel concierge was a VERY nice and competent dentist that glued my crown back in place…

Mtg Margaret Covent Garden

happily we were then ready to meet up with the lovely Margaret who flew into London for the day

Crossing the Thames London June 2013

spending time with her again was such a sweet and special way to begin our tour…

Harrod's Cakery

I have missed my connections with you all and hope that you are well…

Coach Reflection Hello London

our trip was like a dream filled with new sights and sounds and experiences (some captured through the coach window with photoshop like results with no altering needed)…

Coach  Reflection British Style

we saw so much thanks to our Trafalgar coach tour director Michael Cronin who was more than amazing (our coach driver Kevin was also super)..

Warwick Castle JJJ

 our travels were full to the brim with chances to meet interesting people from around the globe …

Trafalgar Map Side One

our tour guide passed around his annotated map each day for us to copy onto our own maps which was a wonderful way to know exactly where we’d been

Tea and Traveling T Cup and Coffee

we were taking so many photos daily that by our ninth day we had to buy another card thingie in Edinburgh for additional photo storage…

JJJ Edinburgh

fair warning I will be using my blog as a visual journal of sorts to help document parts of our travels over the coming weeks…

Bourne Vincent Natl Park Ireland

happy to join Elizabeth and Bleubeard for Tea on Tuesday here...

Risley Hall Derby UK

hope I haven’t worn you out already 😉

39 responses to “our “traveled” tea cup…

  1. I will never wear down from you sharing your travels with us. These are places I will never get to and I can experience them through your eyes and heart! Beautiful! Thank you! xxoo


  2. Oh, welcome back, Patty!
    And I love to see your beautiful pictures, please carry on !:-)


  3. Did you send this to Michael?


  4. I knew you’d come back with amazing photos and good stories. Can’t wait for more!


  5. It is such a pleasure to see your take on another country and their food, attire and traditions. Wow, I can’t believe you lost your crown at the top of your trip but thank goodness for that dentist! (I’m getting a wisdom tooth pulled this a.m so that hit a little close to home–trying to distract myself with some computer time before I leave the house.)
    Glad you are home and sharing your experiences!


  6. Hey Sweety, worn us ,NEVER..well is great you could get your tooth fix so quickly. Covenant gardens is a lovely place, i love the red coats, how lovely are they. How wonderful you could meet up with your friend, nice.oh oh those naughty cupcakes LOL.. Oh my those red phone booths and the Thatched cottages it is like a dream so fabulous, the trip is sooo much better when you have a great guide. I love how they serve the toast in those holders,looove the wicker teapot, such lovely company for the cup. I can believe that you need another card soooo much to see. Edinburgh loooove it there, love a Man in a kilt.. More of the lovely thatched, I’m so excited, all a twitter I cna hardly write LOL. thanks sooooo much for sharing. I have to go swimming now, I will have these photos dancing in my head at the pool. Have a wonderful day, big hugs.. Looooooved having tea with you..


  7. Wonderful to have you back, & how lovely to see some of your photos of my homeland Patty! I’m looking forward to seeing lots more.
    Alison xxx


  8. Oh my….I am going to love going on this journey with you. You started off with one of my very favorite places – Stonehenge! My first visit there was when I was 10 years old and it made such a huge impression on me. Back in those days you could walk all over the site and go right up to the stones. I’m so sorry about the crown (I have had my share of unfortunate crown experiences so I feel for you) but hurray that you found a dentist to help. I love the collage pictures and in particular the one with the piper. The stonework, houses, stained glass all seem to reflect the plaid in his kilt in some way. And, I just love how “tea” is always served in a pot with teacups and all manner of lovely treats. Hurry and post more!!!


  9. Your adventure sure started off on a strange note! Darn crown!
    Loving the photos you are sharing…..what a beautiful country that you captured so beautifully. That Tea for Two teapot is quite exceptional…….makes me think they KNEW you were going to visit! So fun!
    And there you are, looking out the window and gazing upon the city. Love that photo. It says it all.
    Oh, no, I’m never tired of seeing your photos and hearing of your trip. I’ll be right here waiting for the next part of the story.


  10. Awesome! I really thought I’d see that cup glued to the plane wing!! You should stitch your route on that map and frame it!!!!


  11. Beautiful photos, I am so glad you liked it over here 🙂


  12. I am fastening my seat belt again! (Thank God I don’t have to get on another plane for this one! =) Your pictures are so wonderful and I am eager to sit back and be told your wonderful story. xoxo


  13. It sounds like you had a wonderful trip!

    Those are the fanciest cupcakes I’ve ever seen. They’re so pretty!


  14. I’m in heaven. What a joy. And to reconnect with Margaret must have been a real treat, too.

    The sights are superb, and even though I would have opted for my own travel itinerary, I’m sure your travel guide and trip were probably the best way to go.

    My favorite photo? Well, I don’t have a “SINGLE” favorite (because they are ALL my favorites for today), but the one that gave me the giggles, was The Doctor, especially after your untimely trip to the dentist. Sadly, not a good way to start a vacation, but a great story, and excellent way to get that photo in, none-the-less.

    I think you are as good at telling stories as you are taking photos. What a perfect first Tea back. Happy T on T day!


  15. you are all so sweet to visit … personally I really enjoy arm chair traveling anytime I can and getting to experience different places through others eyes is a treat for me…

    Jan that is not me in the green reflection in the window but another of the tour passengers … those reflection photos have been full of surprises…

    Elizabeth several years ago we also would have not have wanted to be those people on the bus LOL … we have traveled twice with Trafalgar and each time has been a memorable and rewarding experience.
    Our tour guides were not only knowledgeable but downright amazing!
    We could have never seen all that we were able to take in or get as much history and local color in being on our own. We were also pampered a bit by not having to deal with hauling suitcases…all we had to do is leave them outside our hotel room at the appointed time and they were magically stashed in the coach (THANK YOU KEVIN!!!). The one thing I never got totally comfortable with was walking across busy streets … hard to teach old dogs new tricks … so I looked anxiously both ways and back again and held my breath…crossing in a pack was a good way too … I am sure I could not handle driving on the other side of the road…even Mr Magpie had reservations about that. So we were those people on the bus and could not be more grateful or delighted with our experiences 😉
    Thanks everyone for your warm welcome back oxo


  16. Welcome back!!! I am so glad to see that you had a fabulous time……I enjoy looking at my country through your eyes so more pics please:)


  17. I was so looking forward to your stories from this journey.
    what a delight…!
    and yes – we want more!!! 🙂


  18. I’d love to see more of your travels as I’ll never get the chance to go to these places myself, so I’m looking forward to seeing them through your pictures. I’m happy you had an awesome time, you were missed here in blogland *hugs*


  19. Patty I will be here for all the photoes to see, 🙂
    How annoying with your tooth,-good you met a wonderful dentist!!
    Love all the very different things and places you visited,- your collage pictures are wonderful- it must have been so overwhelming with aLL those experiences, in such a short time, so many things to keep in place and sort out, now you are home, I guess!!
    Also lovely for you to meet with your friend, dear Patty!! Did you by any chance taste one of those artistic cupcakes ???:-)
    Hugs and see you soon here again – Dorthe


  20. Glad they have dentists in London that you don’t have to wait 6 weeks to see. That cup has really seen some sights.


  21. Carmen Dyson

    Just holding our breath till you got back. I was turning purple and blue and a little green with envy too.


  22. Oh, yum — that cupcake stand. I must say, your teacup gets around! Glad you were able to find a dentist quickly — and that it didn’t mess your trip too much! I love everyphoto in this post — I said it before and will again — can’t wait for more!


  23. Looks like you’ve had wonderful days. Thanks for sharing all these fantastic photos.


  24. Dear Patty
    So good to have you back and for you to share your wonderful photographs with us. Please, do not apologise for the fact that you will be sharing more with us, I believe we are all eager to sit down with you and enjoy your memories from your recent travels.
    Oops. something strange has happened to this little box so this message may read rather oodly!
    P.S. The images of Edinburgh stirred my Scottish soul!
    Lovely to know you were treated so well by the dentist, although such an unfortunate start to your jvavation.


  25. ohhh so nice of you to take me on a short trip……I recognized so many scenes….that was fun!! Glad to see you are back safe and sound!


  26. oh wow patty such lovely photos , took me right back 🙂 how wonderful to catch up with Margaret too… I miss her blogging…..glad you got your crown fixed so it didn’t spoil your trip…..look forward to seeing more photos and stories….


  27. So good to see your photos and have you share your trip! Can’t wait to see more 😉 . Take care! Amy 😀


  28. One of these days that little ole’ teacup is going to write it’s own travel journal and we’ll love reading it!! I’m loving your fabulous pictures and “traveling” with you, sweet Patty ~ what priceless memories!


  29. These posts give me the feeling of actually holding your travel journal in my hands and turning the pages to entrancing images of your journey. How beautiful your adventure has been!


  30. Lovely to follow your trip around. That wicker tea pot is gorgeous.


  31. Well to see you back-) Wonderful journey I can see with all the beautiful photos, thanks for sharing them.
    Have a nice weekend back in home,
    xox Anja


  32. Such gorgeous and beautiful photos dear Patty… sounds like a fabulous trip… and how lovely that you got to meet up with Margaret… and have your crown glued back in… will look forward to reading more of your adventure…

    Jenny ♥


  33. Oh my! Losing a crown…so glad that you were able to get it fixed and not spoil your trip!
    Love the photos!! Looks like it was a fantastic tour.


  34. You Never fail to amaze me with your wonderful photos. Thanx for sharing your trip in such detail, makes me feel like I was along for the ride.
    I felt so bad at the start of this post when reading of your tooth mishap, but quickly breathed a sigh of relief that you got it fixed so fast and your trip was not ruined. I so look forward to see the rest of your pics and hearing of all the adventures you nd hubby ha.
    Till then Big hugz


  35. Pingback: Let’s Meet at Betty’s … | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

  36. I’m happy you had a such a wonderful trip! The crown experience not so wonderful…I have two crowns and the thought of them popping off is not good.


  37. Haha…….so we danced past that wicker tea pot apparently 😉 (Well I do have photo evidence). I spotted Risley Hall there too….
    Truly wonderful photos Patty. xx


  38. Pingback: Paper Bag T … | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

  39. Pingback: 2013 Traveling Tea Cup Review… | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts here...it means a lot to me and I appreciate your visit very much oxo