
Susi’s Art Journal Journey May challenge theme is to “Challenge Yourself” (all are most welcome to join along each month)...

Painted and stenciled pgs (1)

my challenge began with two painted and stenciled pages that I made just because I wanted to play with some replacement dabbers and my favorite distress stains (I missed the opportunity to snap a photo of my beginning pages as my camera always seems to be downstairs)…

some supplies (1) I also enjoyed stenciling with some extra thick gesso to give texture and interest to my book pages…

Painted and stenciled pgs

I had no specific plans for what else I would be doing to these plain painted pages until I uncovered a wonderful Paper Whimsy image sheet on my work table…

Prayers Fell Like Rain (1)

I started with the right hand page brushing several coats of soft gel medium onto the little girl distressing with a sanding block along the way…

Paper Whimsy Girls

repetition is something I enjoy while creating so I carried the strip of three images over to the left hand page and before I knew it they ended up being speak no evil…hear no evil and see no evil…

some supplies

I altered a white paper doily rescued from a recent tea outing with a sweet friend of mine using colors that would blend in with my painted pages…

Prayers Fell Like Rain (2)

then I let words pop off the pages of some book text that was also handy and my pages began to really come together…

Butterfly Lace

adding the lace at the bottom was a nice way to connect the pages and compliment the lace in the girl’s collar …

Vintage Hat

 tiny posies snipped from a vintage hat were the finishing touch to some of my favorite green leaf ribbon that you may have seen me use before

Prayers Fell Like Rain (3)I continue to be thrilled by the challenges of beginning with plain book pages …

letting the ideas come and flow as I go creating something I could have never planned beforehand …

thank you for visiting and letting me share my excitement with you which is exactly why I started blogging back in the fall of 2007 …

* Happy May *

41 responses to “promise…

  1. Wow! Very nice. I loved hearing how the pages evolved. I rarely seem to be able to plan pages…they just happen.


  2. A wonderful page with an fantastic background. Love the texture, the colors and the images.


  3. Wonderful pages, Patty! Love the combination of the dolly with the images.


  4. I love how artistic this page is Patty. Just wonderful


  5. I love stencilling with gesso but even more I like the way that you share the way in which your pages evolve.


  6. Love that PW girl and your pages are just so sweet. I like the green coloring you used. Soft. The perfect background textures and quote add up to a wonderful day of play for you.


  7. gosh, they are beautiful!


  8. A challenge is always a good thing…..makes you think:) I really like the hear no, see no, speak no evil photo strip.


  9. Patty…you work so well in that color palette. Love all the little extra touches you added with the lace, ribbon vine, flowers and WOW the texture from the stencil is outstanding…no pun intended. 🙂


  10. Stunning Patty! I love the gesso texture with stencils – the vine is such a brilliant touch. My this is beautiful! xxooo


  11. oh so pretty pages patty, love that textured gesso….


  12. Gorgeous pages with a wonderful combination of textures, colors, photos and decorations.
    Wish you a nice sunny weekend,
    xox Anja


  13. I love, love, love that raised texture!


  14. As always, I am in awe of these book pages and how well they came together. It was fun watching as they developed before my eyes. Those flowers and leaf ribbon were perfect additions.

    I hope you are warm and toasty just in time for the weekend.


  15. Awesome background texture! The greens are lovely together!


  16. So beautiful!!!! I love the textured background!!! ~Sophia


  17. love all the stencil work and the pages look great!
    Hope you are well……


  18. Beautiful Patty!


  19. My comments must be extremely redundant because I always say how knocked out I am by your work. But I am — and this is no exception. Gorgeous.


  20. Patty, it is beautiful. 🙂 The lace adds a perfect touch. Hope you are doing well. -Amy 😀


  21. hello Patty, lovely to be visiting your lovely art pages. I really like the use of texture paste on your pages. fabby image used so well. Dxx


  22. Oooh, Patty, your pages are so gorgeous and romantic. I adore them.

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  23. What a fascinating story about how your artwork developed, thanks for sharing. it’s so creative.


  24. I like the repetition and the vintage palette you used here. Great pages!


  25. these are beautiful pages, love your interpretation of the theme!


  26. Love, love, love!!! xxx


  27. divine rich texture of the tinted gesso, makes my heart sing… the whole spread is a feast for the eyes!


  28. I find this really inspiring. Makes me want to play in my big art journal.


  29. Oh wow Patty! This turned out HEAVENLY.. I adore this color and the texture … and the vintagy look and all the lace and …the theme.. and the images and….all togehter! …wow..
    you have the best hand – is creating a special Patty like stylish ART that brings an extraordinary feeling of “”heart art””” to me!
    thbak you Patty for joining in and thank you for this fabulous piecefor the challenge!
    have a good weekend..

    Our house -renovation is going on again this days .. so I came very late to my laptop this evening…




  30. this is so gorgeous Patty!! I love the thick gesso for texture along with the softness of the doily, lace and mulberry paper. I do love (and have) that PW image 🙂


  31. How did I get behind in reading your blog? How does that happen? Love the extra thick gesso! Love the repetition!


  32. I never stop being amazed at your creative genius, Patty. The colors, texture, and composition are incredible ( although I don’t know if I would have the courage to snip at that darling hat!,). Well done, my dear artist sister! xoxo


  33. Well sweetie I do love the green background, the doily is fab and all those threads love it. You always inspire me each and every visit. I love visiting here, Thanks for sharing


  34. Oooh Gosh,this pages is soo wonderful and romantic,very beautiful colors and texture, i love it!!!


  35. Wow, what a wonderful page. And thanks a lot for sharing details. This means much to me, as I am a real newbie.


  36. Dreamy colors and texture. I especially love the texture behind the image!


  37. this is fabulous!
    beautiful colors and texture and i love the images!


  38. What a good story of how you made this really unusual piece, it’s wonderful.


  39. Wow! This is beautiful! I love Paper Whimsy images!


  40. Absolutely beautiful pages. LOVE that image and what you did with it.


  41. Beautiful, love how you treated the little girls, they look fabulous.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts means a lot to me and I appreciate your visit very much oxo