Loti and The Traveling Teacup

end of June Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens

after returning home from our travels in June Mr Magpie and I decided to visit the Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens which is a free National Park not too far from our house…

June Traveling Tcup Waterlilies

our traveling tea cup was not quite ready to be put back in her box…

Lotus just begun

I have always wanted to see the Lotuses in bloom (or Loti as they are also called)…

Jim Szymkowicz Waterlily Dragonfly

there were lovely varieties of water lilies as well in these water gardens (“This 12-acre sanctuary features over 45 ponds filled with a variety of tropical and hardy water lilies, lotus, and other aquatic species. Established on the east bank of the Anacostia River, the park contains human-made shallow ponds and dikes surrounded by 70 acres of fresh-water tidal wetlands.”)

Wildlife Sampler Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens

it was not hard to lose track of time and spend hours enjoying nature and snapping photos like crazy (turned out that was the last low humidity day we had for awhile!)

June Lotuses Before

the lotuses typically bloom from June through August here in the Washington, DC area…

July Butterfly Sampler

other flowers are in bloom from late May through September…

Jim Szymkowicz Paper Parasol Lotus

the lotuses were so beautiful we decided to return in a few weeks to check on them again…

June and July visit contrast

and what a difference a few weeks and our tropical heat made (some loti were taller than Mr Magpie!)July Lotus Buds

it has been very HOT and HUMID here in the Washington DC area …

JJJ Dragonfly like so many states in the US recently…

Lotus Perfection

we brought the traveling tea cup with us again carefully using a lily pad as a saucer at the edge of a lily pond…

Water Lily Traveling Tea Cup

here are some notes based on our experiences at the Aquatic Gardens so far…

Lotus Pods

accompanied by photos which are my favorite way of telling stories…

Lotus Closeup

 You are more likely to be bitten by a mosquito in your own backyard than at the aquatic gardens with more on that here

blurry lotus reflection

You may want to set aside several hours at least for your visit because there is lots to explore and it is so beautiful there…


Early morning is recommended for seeing night blooming plant species but any time of day there is something wonderful happening


A parasol is very nice for shade from the sun AND for shading a blossom when the sun would be too bright to snap a good photograph…

Square Paper Parsol Traveling Tcup

It might be muddy so open shoes are not a great idea…

Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens reflection

There is poison ivy in some spots so be mindful where you lean or step  * leaves of three let them be *…

Fallen Lotus Petals

Best to visit with someone as they can help save you stepping off the camouflaged edges into the water while you are trying to get that perfect shot OR from falling into a muskrat hole along the paths…

Bee Happy Lotus

If you run out of water they sell bottled water at the information center near the picnic area and bathrooms …

Lotus Center

I promise that my T stands for Tuesday post next week will be much much shorter ♥

Sacred Pink Lotus

“If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong.”    -Masaru Emoto, The Secret Life of Water

46 responses to “Loti and The Traveling Teacup

  1. Thank you for these wonderful Lotus shots! I think the center of a lotus is one of the most beautiful things there is. I can’t explain why. What a delightful and restful place to visit.
    Happy T to you today my dear!!


  2. I love how, after reading your posts, I always feel like I’ve had a mini-vacation. You are so adept in using words and images that transport me to whatever location you are featuring. I can’t even pick out a favorite picture in this post because there are so many wonderful images…although winged creatures are a definite favorite…and I have to agree with Dawn’s comments about the Lotus shots. See…a sensory overload for sure!


  3. Your travelling teacup has certainly covered some miles and seen some wonderful views! Fabulous photos of the park flowers and wildlife, glad you had such a wonderful day. Annette #1


  4. A travelling teacup? The idea is genius. I certainly enjoyed joining the teacup on this visit to the beautiful water flowers.



  5. You have such beautiful places to visit! The “loti” makes me laugh because we’ve recently bought two Ford Focuses and I keep referring to our cars as the “foci”. Your altered book is fabulous!


  6. So very beautiful. Thanks for taking us along 🙂


  7. What a gem! And to have it so close and free… Sigh. I love that parasol. And I especially love the miles the teacup has logged — oh, the stories it could tell!


  8. I love how you tell a story with photos. I am always sad when I get to the end of a post. You make them look so beautiful, too.

    When I lived in Missouri (and worked in Kansas), every day I drove past a large pond with lily pads. I had just sunk a bathtub in my back yard and was landscaping around it. I wanted something to put in it, and decided to stop one day and ask if I could buy a lily pad or two for my bathtub. The woman practically BEGGED me to take as many as I wanted, because they multiply so quickly. Luckily, I placed the three I got from the pond (yes, I waded into the pond and got them) in a container, or they would have taken over the bathtub that same year. They are more prolific than bunnies.


  9. Carmen Dyson

    Beautiful pictures. You are the best traveling camera! Hope you have plans to go see the “big stinky flower” they say is about to bloom at the botanical garden. Hint hint. That way there I’ll be some good pictures!


  10. I jumped through every hoop wordpress threw at me.
    Beautiful post. and if you are going to show us photos as lovely as these I don’t care how long your post gets.
    I visit the gardens often. It’s surprising how cool it is there.


  11. What is the white ball with little spikes what the butterfly is visiting? Never seen this flower. I remember our visit was a very humid day over 25yrs. ago.
    Glad you got there at just the right time.


  12. Marianne just left me a message in my comments:

    please tell Patty I would love to leave a comment on her beautiful Lotus photos post but WordPress will not allow me to log in. I used up my three tries ….boo

    Here is her blog address, if you want to stop by:



  13. Gorgeous photos Patty!!! I love going on these strolls with you 🙂 I’m going to put the waters gardens on my list of places I must visit. It’s simply beautiful. All the best ~Sophia


  14. Dear Patty ~ you and Jim are such talented photogs!! These photos are magnificent and worthy of publication!! Thank you for sharing ~ especially the dragonfly, as the dragonfly and honeybee are my weakness!


  15. Dot that is called Buttonbush, Cephalanthus occidentalis, the white blooms turn to seedy brown pods that attract all kinds of nature…the bees and butterflies really loved the blossoms oxo


  16. Marianne ~
    Sorry you had a tough time commenting (that can be SO annoying!) …
    your lovely comment did come through.
    My WordPress is set so that first time comments need to be approved before they show up on the blog.

    Thanks also to Elizabeth for forwarding your message.
    Very nice of both of you!
    We are lucky to have this hidden treasure to visit aren’t we! We are waiting for the next low humidity day to check on the Loti again ♥


  17. Many thanks to each of you for your kind and lovely comments…you make blogging extra fun!
    I am still betwixt and between with email issues … a stranger in a strange land is what it feels like.
    Sorry I have not been able to respond to each comment personally…


  18. oh oh oh…such incredible photos!!! you two are something else! what glory i see everywhere i look! you have made me want to move to virginia! 🙂


  19. I adore your beautiful photos! such tranquility and light…happy Tuesday!


  20. your lotos photos are incredible! the blossoms as well as the seedpods! a divine flower really – but of course the photographer adds his magic!


  21. Beautiful shots! What a wonderful place to visit. You know, I think I’ve never seen a lotus flower in real life, but with your pictures I feel I can reach at them from my screen and grab them out, WOW. Truly amazing 🙂


  22. i can’t tell you how impressed i am with your insect photos. nice! i keep trying without success. i think my camera is just not up to it. all your photos are great!


  23. My dear Patty, those are fantastic visits to this most gorgeous place. I am stunned over those tall water lillies- Lotuses- and have NEVER seen one raising over the pond !! That is an amazing and almost ununderstandable size for me – a stunning “forest” of Lotuses, must be like visiting a magic garden, also with all the dragon flies which are wonderful, and your cup on the leafe ,-oh my ,how lovely a photo, too!!
    The flowers in varied stages are all so special. Thank you for all this beauty, I am thankful for seing these natures wonders on your blog, my dearest friend.
    Hugs and love, Dorthe


  24. The ‘loti’ are beautiful, and so is the parasol. Thanks for the tour…you must have thousands of photos on your computer.


  25. absolutely stunning photographs!! This garden is just magical-love those loti blossoms and wow- the insect and bird pics are amazing!!


  26. I enjoyed spending T Tuesday with this beautiful post! Both you and Mr. Magpie take gorgeous photos! A pond of water lilies is so impressive?


  27. all your photos make me feel I’ve been there too 🙂 Thank you!


  28. Simply stunning photos Patty! I do love the teacup’s lily pad saucer! xxx


  29. inanoctopusgarden

    WoW! these photos are amazing Patty (& Mr Magpie!) one was more beautiful than the next! Love the parasol shots too. What a spot – putting it on my list!


  30. oh my oh my… such utter gorgeosity… you take the best photos… I bow to you… oh photo goddess!! xoxo


  31. Beautiful photos! That’s all I did……. I just looked at the pictures! ha! Love the word Loti, too!!!


  32. As always, Patty, lovely.


  33. I so enjoyed travelling here with you. The centres of the water lilies are just stunning.


  34. Patty thanks for sharing these wonderful photos.


  35. OUTSTANDING PHOTOS, I loooove the water lilies, I think the fairies live there for sure. do thank My magpie for helping take these amazing photos each one is stunning, loooove your paper brellys the square on is fantastic, the tea cup on the lily pod, fabulous, I could look at these pictures all day, but have to ge to waterfit, but my DF is coming over later and we will drool over them this afternoon, THANKS YOU for always sharing all this beauty and making my day, have a wonderful day.. Big hugs..


  36. Beautiful! Such a feeling of being right there–that fresh green smell–amongst such lovely flowers. I have chill bumps down my back. I don’t want to leave… 😀 Take care. – Amy 😀


  37. There was no need to apologise for the length of this post, as I see it, it is a privilege to be able to view photograpsh of the highest standard and with the passion you share them with.
    The colours are mouthwatering and as for the beauty of the flower they are spectacular and such variety.
    Adore the whimsy of the lily pad saucer.


  38. Glorious photos! What a beautiful place. I missed T Tuesday this week…I was sad but just too darn ill. I caught some horrid summer virus. I’m on day 8 and finally starting to feel somewhat human. Now I’m playing catch-up on my blogging friends sites.


  39. Pingback: Returning … | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

  40. Pingback: Breathe in… | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

  41. Pingback: Rinda’s 2013 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt: Part 3 | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

  42. Pingback: Rinda’s 2013 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt: Part 3 | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

  43. Pingback: 2013 Traveling Tea Cup Review… | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

  44. Pingback: Mikrokosmos Foto Challenge July Week 2 “Im Garten” | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

  45. Pingback: sacred lotus… | Magpie's Nest ~*~ Patty Szymkowicz

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts here...it means a lot to me and I appreciate your visit very much oxo